Budget Dog
Greater Gardner MA Budget Dog Gardner Magazine’s Budget Dog has some great tips for saving money in 2022. Save on cable, phone, electric, cars, internet, water, and so much more. For the complete article, CLICK HEREContinue Reading
Greater Gardner MA Budget Dog Gardner Magazine’s Budget Dog has some great tips for saving money in 2022. Save on cable, phone, electric, cars, internet, water, and so much more. For the complete article, CLICK HEREContinue Reading
Happy New Year Greater Gardner MA 2022 Gardner Magazine wishes you and yours a Happy New Year! For a printable 2022 Calendar, CLICK HERE.Continue Reading
Christmas Tree Pickup From Gardner MA City Hall, “Curbside Christmas tree collection will be January 4th to 7th on your regularly scheduled trash collection day. Christmas trees wrapped in plastic or containing decorations cannot be collected.”Continue Reading
Greater Gardner MA Covid 19 Progress We made substantial progress with Covid 19 in 2021. Just how much impact did the efforts of so many have? Please read our complete article crediting efforts of the heroes who helped so many survive. CLICK HERE.Continue Reading
The public inauguration ceremony is taking place January 6, 2022 6pm at Perry Auditorium, Gardner MA City Hall. Governor Baker and other official are expected to attend. (Official swearing in takes place January 3rd) Play the video of the Mayor’s update anytime on our Gardner MA Mayor’s update page. CLICKContinue Reading
Gardner MA News Magazine available 24/7 GardnerMagazine.com has been available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all of this year with continuously updated News, Sports, Weather, Articles, and interesting information. Access our resources anytime. Thank you to the over 13 thousand unique households who have read our pagesContinue Reading
What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve in Gardner MA? We’re spotlighting just a few of the choices to celebrate the coming of the New Year in Gardner MA. OTM plays the Gardner MA Eagles #747. New Year’s Eve Show starts at 8:00pm. More details, CLICK HERE Please be safe.Continue Reading
Covid 19 Cases including occupied and available ICU beds. CLICK IMAGE for larger view. 12-29-21 County data pdf, CLICK HEREContinue Reading
Little Shop of Horrors canceled, new Covid 2022 protocols in effect Gardner MA Theater at the Mount performance of Little Shop of Horrors performance scheduled for February 2022 has been canceled due to unforeseen circumstances. A notice on the website states, “We are working on plans for our next productionContinue Reading
Efficient City Government or what? Even with rising costs, the City of Gardner has endeavored to keep its fees the same. In fact, the Gardner MA City Clerk’s office confirms that the schedule of fees dated 12/1/13 (over 8 years ago) is still accurate. In these days of rising costsContinue Reading
Guardsmen to Assist Gardner MA Heywood Hospital Gardner Mayor Nicholson and Council President Kazinskas were part of the welcoming team at Heywood Hospital on Monday December 27, 2021 as 9 members of the Massachusetts National Guard were deployed to the facility for the next 12 weeks. The guardsmen who areContinue Reading
A “joint” convention in Gardner MA and it’s not marijuana! The Mayor-Elect, City Councilors- Elect, and School Committee Members-Elect will meet in Joint Convention for the purposes of taking the Oaths of Office for the term beginning on January 3, 2022 and ending on January 1, 2024. This takes placeContinue Reading
Gardner MA – The Year Ahead The year ahead: What we see happening and what is possible. Our piece explores some of the priorities of 2022. For our complete article CLICK HERE.Continue Reading
Gardner MA Elementary Building update Considerable progress is being made on the new Elementary School for Gardner MA. The School Building Committee held a recent meeting in December. For more details, CLICK HEREContinue Reading
Gardner MA Travel Safety Wherever you travel within the Greater Gardner MA region or beyond this Holiday, you can take certain precautions. It may be relatively safe locally, but that’s not true everywhere. Here’s a few travel tips: Pay attention to your surroundings, not your phone. Lock valuables in yourContinue Reading
Best Winter Fire Safety Practices This time of year is a good time to write about best Fire Safety practices. The Massachusetts Department of Fire Services “provides the fire service, regulated industries, and citizens with training, education, prevention, investigation, and emergency response services.” Download Winter Holiday Safety pamphlet. CLICK HERE. Continue Reading
Wreath Laying Winchendon MA Wreaths Across America was at the Veterans’ Memorial Cemetery in Winchendon MA on Friday December 17, 2021 for the laying of wreaths to honor our country’s fallen heroes. Students from area schools and other area volunteers participated. The organization states, “Remember the Fallen…HONOR those who Serve…TEACHContinue Reading
Advisory: Get the Covid Vaccine or Booster. Advisory: Wear a mask indoors in public to protect others. Advisory: Covid testing is generally FREE at area pharmacies. Save a life! This Gardner MA mask tool may just save your life or the life of someone you know. Mayor Mike Nicholson addressedContinue Reading
Gardner Magazine has a Vaccine News page containing automatically updated stories. CLICK HERE “The Math of Covid”. Read our article. CLICK HERE Gardner MA and Massachusetts Covid Cases Up With Covid Cases up, what’s the best advice for you and your family? Most experts still advise that vaccines provide theContinue Reading
Gardner MA School Covid Cases Gardner Public School Covid Cases up again in 12/16/21 Bi-Weekly Dashboard to 52 positive cases after falling in the previous two weeks. See reports at left. Other Covid Resources: City of Gardner Covid 19 page (not actively updated) Heywood Hospital YouTube update 12-8-21 Gardner MagazineContinue Reading
Winchendon High School Goes Remote The Winchendon MA School system cites the number of positive Covid 19 cases for the return to remote learning for Murdock High School students effective now through at least after the start of the new year. Current Covid data as of 12/13/21 shown at left. Continue Reading
Gardner MA Planning Board Takes up Slocum Board met December 14, 2021 to receive presentation by Slocum Inc. and approved site plan for 6 commercial buildings off of Matthews Street. Watch the meeting, CLICK HERE.Continue Reading
Gardner MA Christmas Wish Publishing an original poem for you entitled, “Gardner Christmas Wish.” CLICK HEREContinue Reading
School Strategic Objectives “Create a School where all members experience JOY, ACHIEVEMENT and CARE” School Vision Gardner MA Students are getting Smarter! Principal Earl Martin Highly Praised in Gardner MA School System Affectionately called “The Earl of Martin” by one school committee member, the Waterford Street and Elm Street SchoolContinue Reading
Infrastructure Roundtable Congresswoman Lori Trahan was in the Chair City of Gardner MA Wednesday December 15, 2021 for a roundtable discussion regarding how the Federal Infrastructure bill will affect the city such as Internet connectivity etc. Underserved areas of Gardner MA which currently only can get internet from satellite willContinue Reading
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