Deputy Police Chief Trifiro retires, Chief Braks Fate still up in the air in Gardner MA Interviewed by host Steve Wendell on WGAW’s Hotline Radio (airs Saturdays noon to 2pm on AM 1340 and 98.1 FM) Mayor Michael Nicholson stated, ” As we do move forward here, there are stillContinue Reading

Keep Gardner MA Beautiful Successful Event Regarding the Keep Gardner Beautiful effort held Saturday 5-7-22 Mayor Nicholson was quoted on WGAW’s Hotline Radio program as saying, “We had a ton of individuals out today just helping Keep Gardner Beautiful as their organization’s name says.  It is our annual Nip HuntContinue Reading

Covid Cases Up, Covid Deaths Down In a sign that America is learning to better deal with the Covid virus, National death trends are down while overall cases rise. And 82.6% of people 5+ nationally have received at least 1 dose of a Covid vaccine. Currently in the state ofContinue Reading

View the Mayor’s update on the City of Gardner YouTube page or on our Mayor’s update page. CLICK HERE. With the City Seal behind him, Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson updated the Chair City on May 6, 2022. Mayor Nicholson spoke about a commitment to Children’s mental health in theContinue Reading

This time of year, many communities in the Greater Gardner MA area have town meetings and elections. We have compiled pdfs of warrants and results when available and posted them at right. Some Election Results In, Some Meetings Coming Up in Greater Gardner MA Ashburnham 4-26-22 Election Results: CLICK HERE.Continue Reading

Greater Gardner MA Celebrates Mother’s Day Sunday May 8, 2022 Traditionally the 2nd Sunday in May, Mother’s Day has been a fixture in American society for over 100 years. More on the holiday. Mother’s Day is celebrated throughout the world. Thank you to our mothers who brought us into thisContinue Reading

Gardner Magazine launches Gardner MA Branding Initiative We’re asking for input from the greatest minds of Gardner MA for details on Vision, Successful Projects, Successful Startups, Active Development, Infrastructure Improvements, Government Transparency, Sound Fiscal Management, Cooperative Relationships, Community Amenities, Quality Education, Quality Health Care, and Resident Pride. Visit the pageContinue Reading

The State of Massachusetts most recent data as of March 2022 shows the Gardner Labor Force at 9.842 with 9,391 employed and 451 unemployed. Unemployment rate 4.6% vs. the MA rate of 3.8%. Gears of Gardner MA Industry Turning as Manufacturers Look for Workers A brief look at online postingsContinue Reading

Complete Agenda and Packet. CLICK HERE. View the meeting on the City of Gardner YouTube page or on our City Council page. CLICK HERE. Gardner MA City Council Met Monday, May 2, 2022 at 7:30pm Public hearings on a total of 7 new telephone poles – Various mayoral appointments –Continue Reading

Gardner MA Big Oops – Epic Failure at Gardner Dog Park UPDATE 5-3-22 1pm: We have reports that the water is on at the Gardner Dog Park. Many thanks to Gardner DPW. In a City of big successes, this failure is a big OOPS, an avoidable stain on the reputationContinue Reading

In very clear wording, the Executive Summary of the Gardner Police Investigation Report states that the votes of no confidence were either substantiated or had merit. Gardner MA Releases Executive Summary of Gardner Police Report The Executive Summary of the Gardner Police Investigation Report has been released. For the document,Continue Reading

For the latest Covid 19 data at any time from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, please visit the MA Covid Dashboard. For data for the entire United States, visit the CDC Covid Data Tracker Understanding the Covid Seesaw in Greater Gardner MA We’re calling it the Covid-19 Seesaw –Continue Reading

We wrote an earlier article on this subject with more information on the timeline, and facts supporting that James Boone has been showing up at Monty Tech School Committee meetings. The article contains the complete agendas for both meetings scheduled on 4-19-22 and the packets the Councilors receive. Earlier article,Continue Reading

With Covid cases low, small increases appear to be large. Here’s actual data. Covid Cases Still Low in MA The Massachusetts Department of Public Health released its Covid Dashboard on 4-15-22 (which looks back 2 weeks) showing in MA: under 2500 new Covid cases (in last day), under 350 patientsContinue Reading

Gardner City Council to confront Rising Costs at Meeting of April 19, 2022 Faced with the rising costs of trash containers for Downtown Gardner and  a shortage of almost 2 million dollars for the upcoming water infrastructure project, the Gardner City Council will need to take action at this meetingContinue Reading