Sewage Sludge Decisions in Gardner MA A byproduct of the Gardner Wastewater Treatment Plant is Sewage Sludge, a solid material which has been disposed of at the Gardner landfill.    Gardner has proposed to increase the size of the landfill to allow for more sludge.  Environmental groups oppose the move dueContinue Reading

Publisher’s Note: Purpose of my news story is to create awareness that any meeting summary needs to be accurate.  Doesn’t need to be a complete transcript, but at least needs to be factually correct.  And any group approving minutes including the School Committee needs to say NO if the minutesContinue Reading

Panel of 5 Gardner MA Individuals to Help Select Who’s the Deputy Chief and maybe even Who’s the Chief Appearing on WGAW’s Hotline Radio on Saturday, May 22, 2022, Mayor Michael Nicholson was very clear that, “for the position of Chief, nothing’s official until the investigation is done. For theContinue Reading

Mosquitos to be Evicted by the Spraying of Central Mass. Mosquito Control Project Gardner Dates are May 31 and June 9, 16, 21, 30. CMMCP says the dates are subject to change due to weather conditions, mosquito populations, mosquito virus activity, and/or special event spraying. From CMMCP site, “Mosquito controlContinue Reading The City of Gardner welcomed many to its Spring 2022 Yard Sale. We’ll advise you of Fall 2022 plans as they are announced. It Happened and people came!  Gardner MA City-Wide Yard Sale had 133 participating homes May 21, 2022 from 8am to 2pm On some roads in GardnerContinue Reading

Watch the Mayor’s updates on the City of Gardner YouTube page or on our Mayor’s update page. CLICK HERE. Executive Aide Colin Smith filled in for Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson Friday May 20, 2022 Smith reported that the Mayor is on the Cape for the Massachusetts Mayors Conference.  Colin SmithContinue Reading

Simultaneous events in Gardner MA, the Chair City are chronicled for one Wednesday afternoon. It was a Great Wednesday Afternoon in Gardner MA On the afternoon of Wednesday, May 18, 2022 in Gardner Massachusetts, Gardner was quietly being a Great place to Live, Work, Play, and Visit.   People were goingContinue Reading

Gardner MA Councilors Debate Scooters and Approve Outdoor Dining Space. The first item was according to Councilor Craig Cormier, ““a very simple ordinance, just a move from 9am to 8am, brings into line with how yard sales actually work and brings into line with the City-Wide Yard Sale that’s alreadyContinue Reading

A Gardner Magazine Editorial, Mayor Nicholson, Strength of Character. During the course of holding Political Office, every office holder encounters that moment when character is tested.  Mayor Nicholson is having his moment with the Gardner Police Department situation.   Despite enormous pressure to speak more openly about various details involved inContinue Reading

Here we go again! Another Acting Police Chief in the City of Gardner and more speculation as to who, what, when, and where as it relates to the future of the management of the Department. Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Holds Key to Gardner Police Department Puzzle Update 5-17-22: GardnerContinue Reading

Gardner MA High School Spring Concert Thursday May 19, 2022 Come enjoy an evening of music in the newly reupholstered, carpeted, and painted Landry Auditorium at Gardner High School. The concert will include the Jazz Band, 8th Grade Chorus, 8th Grade Band, Select Choir, HS Chorus, & HS Band.  AdmissionContinue Reading

Planning Board page on the City of Gardner website, CLICK HERE. Pot at Public Podium in Gardner MA on May 24, 2022 – Proposed location in Summit Industrial Park According to a Notice of Public Hearing published on May 10, 2022, the City of Gardner Planning Board will hold aContinue Reading

Deputy Police Chief Trifiro retires, Chief Braks Fate still up in the air in Gardner MA Interviewed by host Steve Wendell on WGAW’s Hotline Radio (airs Saturdays noon to 2pm on AM 1340 and 98.1 FM) Mayor Michael Nicholson stated, ” As we do move forward here, there are stillContinue Reading