WGAW Hotline Radio 10-19-24 Hour 1: Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson with Updates about the Chair City: Rear Main Street Project will add 125 or more parking spaces, the Bike Path, Business News, Holiday Festivities, the Mayor said the Facebook posting regarding 2000 additional migrants is FALSE. —- Host Steve WendellContinue Reading

Time for Early Voting – Here’s the Schedule In Gardner, early voting takes place at Perry Auditorium along the side of Gardner City Hall. Park in front of City Hall or in the designated lot adjacent to the auditorium. Entrances to the parking lot are from Knowlton Street and fromContinue Reading

Gardner MA School Committee Holds October Meeting Meeting focused on the first reading of some school policies and the second reading of others. Other topics included the Superintendent Goals, District Improvement Plan, and various updates. See the complete agenda and packet for details and supporting information. CLICK HERE. Listen toContinue Reading

Publisher’s Note: While the event was obviously disrupted as documented by the AUDIO we present here, the Mayor graciously diffused the situation in a calm manner. In the state of Massachusetts, the penalty for disrupting a public event in this manner is first offense: a fine of up to $150,Continue Reading

Gardner Council on Aging Holds October Meeting The Council on Aging met on various matters in October 2024. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY. Floor Finishing Plan – Plan is to purchase the floor finishing equipment and bring that down to Waterford. Cost: a couple thousand dollars.Continue Reading

Gardner Mayor Honored by U-Mass Amherst Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson has received the 2024 “Young Alumni Award” from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. It is one of six different honors were given out this year to recognize members of the UMass Alumni Community on their various outstanding achievements in theirContinue Reading

How do we know bill had no opposition? 1. From the vote itself 2. Bills get posted daily and a legislator could object in advance of a vote. If 10% of House members, or 16 for example would agree to the objection then a roll call vote would be required.Continue Reading

See the guide from the Secretary of State’s office regarding all ballot questions. It is comprehensive, comprising 164 pages with both supporting and opposing views on each question. CLICK HERE. To get a sample ballot for anywhere in Massachusetts from ballotpedia, CLICK HERE. Ballot Questions Create Debate in Fall ElectionContinue Reading

Discover WGAW Radio this Columbus Day and every day 24/7. The radio station with physical studios and transmitter facilities has been located in Gardner since 1946. Today it is heard on AM 1340, 98.1 FM, and streams to anywhere in the world. Server logs show listeners from many countries. TheContinue Reading

Happy Columbus Day Columbus Day, and Indigenous People’s Day is celebrated on Monday, October 14, 2024. Gardner City Hall, various town offices, and the post office are closed. For more on Columbus Day, Christopher Columbus, and Indigenous People’s Day, CLICK HERE.Continue Reading

Those wishing to contribute a coat to the Winter Coat Drive may drop them off at the Gardner Museum on Pearl Street in Gardner. Worcester County Sheriff Kicks off Winter Coat Drive The Worcester County Sheriff’s Office and Worcester County Reserve Deputy Sheriff’s Association goal is to deliver 4,000 newContinue Reading

Running on His Record – Interview with Jonathan Zlotnik Gardner Magazine spoke with State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik about his record. Listen to the entire interview on any device, CLICK PLAY. Zlotnik describes how he has put working families first. He speaks about fighting for the wallets of his constituents. ZlotnikContinue Reading

SPECIAL Columbus Day Weekend Show – WGAW Hotline Radio Both State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik and Challenger Bruce Chester were scheduled to appear on WGAW’s Hotline Radio Show which airs Saturdays from 12:10 to 2pm. Listen to the entie program on any device, CLICK PLAY. UPDATE: State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik appearedContinue Reading

Upcoming next week: Thursday October 17, 2024 at 3:30pm is Groundbreaking for the Rear Main Street Project Phase 2. That broadcast will be the Mayor’s Update next week. Public may attend. Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson Updates the Chair City on 10-11-24 Listen to the update on any device. CLICK PLAY.Continue Reading

Gardner City Hall and Staff Go Pink Again Dressed in pink, staff at Gardner City Hall stood at the steps of Gardner City Hall for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. There will be an estimated 310,720 new U.S. cases of breast cancer in women in 2024. 42,250 will die from the disease.Continue Reading

FREE event in Westminster coming up October 19th The Westminster Cracker Festival will be held Saturday, October 19, 2024 from 10am to 5pm. Westminster Cracker Festival is held at 10 Village Square, Westminster, MA. There’s FREE parking and a shuttle is available. The event was first held in 2015. AccordingContinue Reading

Jonathan Bombaci on Tenacity and the Projects in Downtown Gardner In Gardner, Bombaci’s firm has invested in residential real estate, renovated commercial real estate, attempted to buy properties from the City of Gardner, and is currently working on 25 Main Street and the Garbose Building. Project delays have resulted inContinue Reading

GAAMHA Receives $225,000 in Funding Non-profit GAAMHA is receiving $225,000 in funding including $200,000 in Federal funding secured by Lori Trahan and $25,000 in State funding secured by Jonathan Zlotnik. Congresswoman Trahan wrote, “For over 50 years, GAAMHA, Inc.’s wide range of mental health and addiction programs have helped thoseContinue Reading

Gardner Board of Health – EEE Positive Mosquito in Gardner BOH Statement: “A EEE positive mosquito was identified in a trap in Gardner, please use precautions to prevent mosquito bites! Please be aware that as the temperatures drop, mosquito activity will lessen.” According to an October 8th Press Release fromContinue Reading

Aimee from Gardner CAC speaks about the FREE Thursday Fellowship Meal Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY. Fellowship dinners are available for take-out on most Thursdays, October-May. Dinners must be picked up at 4:30 pm at the Gardner CAC on Pleasant Street, Gardner. Visit the Gardner CAC website, CLICK HERE. Make aContinue Reading

Patriotism Alive in Gardner with Flag Raising Ceremony at Care Central VNA Care Central VNA and Hospice posted “Flag Raising Ceremony at 34 Pearly Lane 10/8/24 Care Central VNA & Hospice, Inc. proudly raised its American Flag on Tuesday, donated by U.S. Representative Lori Trahan. Holly Chaffee, President & CEOContinue Reading

City Clerk Titi Siriphan is back at City Council Meeting of October 7, 2024 Tasked with calling the roll at many a Gardner City Council meeting, Gardner City Clerk Titi Siriphan was welcomed back after maternity leave. Listen to the entire meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY. The Council unanimouslyContinue Reading