Conservation Commission Speaks About the Sludge Discussion at the Conservation Commission meeting of March 24, 2025 revolved around the problems at the Gardner Sludge Landfill. Chairman Greg Dumas asked questions of DPW Director Dane Arnold and City Engineer Rob Oliva regarding options at the site. Dumas stated that he wouldContinue Reading

At the end of the meeting, 2 citizens spoke to the Board of the Health regarding the Sludge Landfill. At the beginning of the segment, Chair Avallone was seen looking at her phone rather than at the residents. Alan Rousseau and Paul DeMeo made extensive comments. The Gardner Board ofContinue Reading

Quick Action by Gardner Fire Department Averts Contamination The railroad bridge on Lower Parker Street in Gardner with a clearance of 12 feet 6 inches was hit on March 24, 2025 by a flat bed truck which was carrying a fork lift. Hydraulic oil spilled but was handled before itContinue Reading

Special Weather Advisory for Sunday, March 23, 2025 The National Weather Service has issued a Weather Advisory due to Elevated Fire Concerns in effect until 7pm on Sunday March 23rd. “The combination of low relative humidity values near 20 percent and northwest winds gusting 20 to 30 mph in theContinue Reading

Deep Dive with the Chair Man and Chair Lady – Landfilling Biosolids In this episode of our “Deep Dive” series, Gardner Magazine covers an EPA report on Landfilling Biosolids, featuring the Pros and Cons as laid out by the EPA. With all of the discussion and public comment on theContinue Reading

Deep Dive with the Chair Man and Chair Lady – Gardner City Charter In this episode of our “Deep Dive” series, Gardner Magazine covers the Gardner City Charter as updated as of January 2, 2025. The discussion lays out the Chair City’s operating system and explains how things work underContinue Reading

Members of the CDBG Committee include Chair Evan Cudmore who is the Assistant Director of Community Development, Council President George Tyros, Jason Stevens who is Director of Community Development, Micah Blondeau who is Director of Public Health, Thomas Zuppa who is Building Commissioner, Shawn Hayden who is CEO of GAAMHA,Continue Reading

The City of Gardner has 6 Councilors at Large. To be elected, a person needs to be in the top 6 of vote getters for the position. Nomination papers are available starting April 1st. Gardner Political Machine to Face Kimberly Blake Once Again Gardner resident Kimberly Blake has announced thatContinue Reading

This Week in the Chair City – March 21, 2025 The Gardner Magazine update can be heard on any device. CLICK PLAY. This Week: Various Local issues including Sewage Sludge, Budget Process, Drought, Election Dates, Projects and Progress, Various Events, Various Meetings, and a list of Songs. Email any eventsContinue Reading

Zoning Board of Appeals Hears Options at Interactive Meeting Attorney Christine Tree represented Jonathan Bombaci regarding 163-165 Pine Street and the effort to resolve parking issues. Several options were presented including a potential plan to designate dedicated parking spaces at another property down the street with an easement. The BoardContinue Reading

Editorial: Gardner Magazine Publisher to be Publicly Flogged for Election Story Screwup (no flogging please) Gardner Magazine published an incorrect date in an Election story. The correct date to obtain nomination papers in Gardner is beginning April 1st. We regret the error so much we have released an official apologyContinue Reading

Find out factual DROUGHT CONDITIONS anytime by visiting, CLICK HERE. Drought Conditions Improving – NOT CRITICAL – as reported elsewhere. Gardner Magazine has alerted another local publication that its article re the Drought is incorrect. Actual conditions in this area are predicted to improve with areas just East ofContinue Reading

Gardner Magazine Releases 50’s Rockabilly song “Rockin’ in the Springtime” This original song is designed to capture the joy of Spring in a classic 50’s Rock style. It’s a fun, feel-good number. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY. From the song: “Animals wake from hibernation, creatures increase their population. BloomsContinue Reading

Top: City Council 3-17-25 2nd row: Economic Development Director Stevens, Assistant Clerk Kumar and City Council President Tyros. 3rd row: Tyros, Kazinskas, and Nicholson 4th row: Swearing in of Rob Oliva and Cory Hasselmann Council President George Tyros commented on the Budget Process, Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY. GardnerContinue Reading

View the proposed Templeton Budget, CLICK HERE. Templeton Holds Budget Hearings – a Select Board member steps down. The Town of Templeton held its budget hearings on March 15, 2025. While the entire budget hearing is available on You Tube, Part 1 view here, – Part 2 view here, GardnerContinue Reading

Official Election Dates in the City of Gardner MA Up for election this year are several offices including Mayor, ward councilors, councilors at large and 3 of the 6 School Committee members. Subject to the approval of the City Solicitor the dates are as follows: Obtain nomination papers beginning AprilContinue Reading

Graphic shows drought conditions in the United States (top) and the 3 month outlook showing improving drought conditions in Northern Worcester County. Greater Gardner MA Still in Moderate Drought – Fires Discouraged The U.S. Drought Monitor shows Gardner in a moderate drought as of 3-11-25. While the seasonal forecast isContinue Reading

Gardner Magazine Releases “Luck of the Irish” for St. Patrick’s Day. Our original Irish Folk Song for St. Patrick’s Day is “Luck of the Irish”. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY. From the song’s chorus, “The Luck of the Irish, will grant your wish, the Luck of the Irish, onContinue Reading

Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson Updates City with Hotline Radio Interview First up on the show, Gardner Mayor Nicholson, discussing the Fiscal Year 2026 Budget Process already started with Department Heads “I always ask for two numbers. I ask for their wish list, and I ask for a more realistic budget,Continue Reading

Top: Land Application. Middle: Landfill Bottom: Incineration. For additional EPA technical resources, visit the website, CLICK HERE. Some Sludge Facts for Greater Gardner MA It just so happens that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has produced some very interesting Fact Sheets on the basics of sewage sludge and biosolids. 3Continue Reading

Update 3-14-25: Article in another publication alleges ongoing issues at Gardner Burger King. Our previous article showed food prep areas clean with other issues, CLICK HERE. Gardner Magazine will publish a new inspection report when it is made available to us from the Board of Health so our readers canContinue Reading

The building shown 4 years ago before Jon Bombaci embarked on the transformation. Soon to be home to Brilla Coffee. Other plans for the building await a transformer. Recent work done was to prepare for National Grid. 25 Main Street Gardner – Progress and the Wait for Electricity Gardner MagazineContinue Reading

This Week in the Chair City – March 14, 2025 The Gardner Magazine update can be heard on any device. CLICK PLAY. This Week: Various Local issues including the Sludge Landfill — School Committee – Assessors —- Gardner Museum — Events Coming Up – Around the Chair City — UpcomingContinue Reading