Editorial Commentary – Excellence in Gardner Government and Schools I want to tell you very specifically why I am so proud and honored to report on the City of Gardner and its dedicated Team. Gardner has changed for the better in the last 4 years. The Gardner City Council doesContinue Reading

UPDATE May 17, 2024 – Simple Explanation of Issue – 1. Food Pantry not allowed by State Law in residential area 2. If home was somehow deemed OK for food pantry, permits must first be obtained and inspections must be conducted prior to opening 3. No approvals of any kindContinue Reading

From the Publisher: Gardner Magazine has been publicly criticized on Social Media for its positive reporting on Mayor Nicholson, the Gardner City Council, and the Gardner Team of great municipal and school employees. Our response is simple: It’s not our fault they’re doing a good job. But it is somewhatContinue Reading

Civil and Criminal Penalties – Commentary on Problem Facebook Posts Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel with a commentary on problem Facebook posts. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY. In my opinion, if there are local Facebook posts which make false allegations or harmful statements without evidence it may cost adminsContinue Reading

Facebook Postings Can Lead to Huge Damage Awards – Even Loss of House The hypothetical situation: A local Facebook Group makes egregious false statements suggesting falsely that individuals have committed crimes, even repeating similar false statements over a period of months in an attempt to make false claims sound legit.Continue Reading

Commentary – Scales of Justice by Werner Poegel This commentary is also posted on our national AUDIO site, PoeDM.net. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY. Poegel speaks about Asset Forfeiture, Pretrial detention, Speeding tickets in Foreign Countries, Justice Delayed, Court of Public Opinion, Unfair targeting of law enforcement, weaponization ofContinue Reading

Editorial: A Salute to Dogs on National Puppy Day in Greater Gardner MA Dog owners know the joy of having a dog. “Man’s best friend” – as dogs are often called, provide companionship, comfort, and service. There are the public examples of Comfort Dog Sully who works with the GardnerContinue Reading

Instruction on Being a Greater Gardner MA FREEBIE “King” or “Queen” in 2024 Publisher Werner Poegel with an informative commentary on things which are FREE and how to save on the rest. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY Earn FREE TVs just by saving on coffee. Get your cell serviceContinue Reading

A Commentary on Energy – The Border – Cyber Security with Publisher Werner Poegel In this commentary, I advocate for a Secretary of Common Sense. I suggest we decide on a border policy that we want and stick with it. I’m in favor of a common sense Energy Policy whichContinue Reading

Gardner MA Reaches Milestone of 1000 Videos The City of Gardner YouTube page has reached a milestone of publishing 1000 videos as of February 21, 2024. The City of Gardner is noted for its transparency in government, providing videos of meetings, complete meeting packets, and an open online checkbook. GardnerContinue Reading

The Mayor is required each year to issue a proclamation proclaiming Patriot’s Day as Colonel Thomas Gardner Day. From the City Code, “Whereas history is prologue, and it is important that our children be cognizant of our past, especially the early sacrifices that established the freedom and democracy we enjoyContinue Reading

Keep up on the “So Many Good Things” every week with the Mayor’s Updates, City Council, School Committee, various Committees and Commissions, and our interviews. EDITORIAL: So Many Good Things in the City of Gardner MA So many good things are happening in the City of Gardner. Did you knowContinue Reading

Editorial: Again, More Nonsense Allegations by Pauly Potato Meeting Minutes: The Gardner City Council Meeting Agenda and Packet for February 5, 2024 contains an an Open Meeting Law violation complaint made by Paul Demeo, known colloquially as “Pauly Potato.” He alleges that the meeting minutes are not provided in aContinue Reading

What does January 20, 2024 mean to Greater Gardner MA? January 20th is 1 year away from the next Presidential Inauguration and it will be an interesting year to be sure. But what else is today? It is National No Phones at Home Day, Take a Walk Outdoors Day, NationalContinue Reading

This is one of the photos which we have enhanced which more accurately shows Aaron Pennington. Some of the other media reports have gone back to an original photo which law enforcement subsequently updated. Of course, today his appearance could be completely different. Editorial: Law Enforcement Has Been in ContinualContinue Reading

A Christmas Editorial – Show Love for Those Without a Home While not of the magnitude as some other places and not as visible, homelessness is a very real local issue. I sent a message to City officials suggesting some Tiny Houses be located in the field at Waterford andContinue Reading

Editorial: Chair City – Gardner MA will always be the Share City While changed in some respects, Gardner has been called the “Chair City” for many years. The number of chairs made in Gardner has declined, but Gardner will always be the Chair City, or in the modern vernacular, theContinue Reading

The Story of Pauly Potato – How a young Mashed Potato became a Hateful Facebook Admin In the City of Gardner, there are a number of responsible Facebook Groups. And then there’s one, and the Admin is Pauly Potato. No matter what the issue, the group is anti-Mayor, anti-business, anti-CityContinue Reading

The Mayor of Gardner Massachusetts, Michael Nicholson is 29 on September 24, 2023. He has helped the City of Gardner become well-known across Massachusetts and the nation. Gardner has become a Model City for America. Editorial – Happy Birthday from Gardner MA to Mayor Mike To the Mayor of Twenty-NineWho’sContinue Reading

Editorial – Clarity Needed for Future With the recent debate over Route 140 Zoning on 2 parcels, there is some ambiguity left as to other parcels. We suggest a careful inspection of every parcel as to “Open Space” protection . For example, we just pulled up this map from theContinue Reading

The Gardner City Council has before it a measure which would increase the number of allowed marijuana establishments in Gardner. Benefits to Gardner would include increased tax revenue from the added establishments. However, approval would almost certainly result in harm to the public health, considering the studies profiled by respectedContinue Reading