Covid reaching every age group in Greater Gardner MA Gardner Magazine has charted the State data in graphic form (just click on either image at left for large view) to illustrate the wide-ranging impact of Covid 19 among all age groups. Here’s the problem: Covid continues to spread because ofContinue Reading

Avoid Fire and Carbon Monoxide Hazards during Greater Gardner MA Cold Snap Smoke and Carbon Monoxide alarms are effective defense strategies. Space Heaters, Fireplaces, and woodstoves need to be used safely. We have the complete article. CLICK HEREContinue Reading

COVID Testing Change for Monday January 10, 2022 According to the Gardner Health Department, effective Monday, January 10, 2022, COVID testing will only be performed at Main Street Urgent Care, Gardner and Tully Walk In Care, Athol for “patients who need to see a provider.” In order to accommodate theContinue Reading

UPDATE January 7, 2022 from City of Gardner: ” Dog Licenses Are Not Currently Available Due To Production Delay. Please be advised that 2022 dog licenses are not available at this time due to a production delay with our tag manufacturer. If you have mailed in your license request, yourContinue Reading

Gardner MA News Magazine available 24/7 has been available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all of this year with continuously updated News, Sports, Weather, Articles, and interesting information. Access our resources anytime. Thank you to the over 13 thousand unique households who have read our pagesContinue Reading

Covid 19 Test in Gardner MA area Gardner Magazine has the following links for those needing Covid 19 tests. Walgreen’s: CLICK HERE, CVS: CLICK HERE, Price Chopper: CLICK HERE, Walmart: CLICK HERE. Chair City Pharmacy indicates they usually refer patients needing testing to CVS, Walgreen’s, or Walmart.Continue Reading

Gardner Magazine has a Complete Weather Center for the Greater Gardner area. Greater Gardner MA Winter Weather Outlook Will Greater Gardner MA be colder or warmer this winter? Will we get more snow or less? And how do we know. We have the answers including NOAA maps and an informationalContinue Reading

Athol MA Board of Health Vacancy Are you a medical professional willing to help the town of Athol in exchange for a small stipend? Fill this vacancy on the Board, CLICK HEREContinue Reading

Holiday and Christmas Events – Greater Gardner MA ‘Tis the Season to Be Jolly. We will keep adding to our page of Greater Gardner Holiday and Christmas events in the 19 communities we serve. — If you have an event, contact us. —- CLICK HERE for the Holiday Event page.Continue Reading

Greater Gardner MA Event Machine This time of year there are many events. We want to remind our readers that our Greater Gardner MA Event Machine automatically pulls up google searches of events occurring in area towns. Just click on your town and events will appear! ASHBURNHAM – ASHBY –Continue Reading

Massachusetts has a high Covid vaccination rate which has protected much of our population. However, since the vaccine is not 100% effective, getting the shot to the rest would be helpful. We understand hesitant people need facts, So here’s a page of the best facts we found…. CLICK HEREContinue Reading