Quick Action by Gardner Fire Department Averts Contamination The railroad bridge on Lower Parker Street in Gardner with a clearance of 12 feet 6 inches was hit on March 24, 2025 by a flat bed truck which was carrying a fork lift. Hydraulic oil spilled but was handled before itContinue Reading

Special Weather Advisory for Sunday, March 23, 2025 The National Weather Service has issued a Weather Advisory due to Elevated Fire Concerns in effect until 7pm on Sunday March 23rd. “The combination of low relative humidity values near 20 percent and northwest winds gusting 20 to 30 mph in theContinue Reading

Members of the CDBG Committee include Chair Evan Cudmore who is the Assistant Director of Community Development, Council President George Tyros, Jason Stevens who is Director of Community Development, Micah Blondeau who is Director of Public Health, Thomas Zuppa who is Building Commissioner, Shawn Hayden who is CEO of GAAMHA,Continue Reading

Find out factual DROUGHT CONDITIONS anytime by visiting Drought.gov, CLICK HERE. Drought Conditions Improving – NOT CRITICAL – as reported elsewhere. Gardner Magazine has alerted another local publication that its article re the Drought is incorrect. Actual conditions in this area are predicted to improve with areas just East ofContinue Reading

Graphic shows drought conditions in the United States (top) and the 3 month outlook showing improving drought conditions in Northern Worcester County. Greater Gardner MA Still in Moderate Drought – Fires Discouraged The U.S. Drought Monitor shows Gardner in a moderate drought as of 3-11-25. While the seasonal forecast isContinue Reading

Maki Park has been mentioned in dozens of articles on Gardner Magazine. CLICK HERE for list. Mayor Nicholson previous December statement regarding this issue, CLICK HERE. Council President George Tyros statement to City Council, CLICK HERE Investigation Launched September 2024, CLICK HERE. COMPLETE INVESTIGATION REPORT, CLICK HERE. Publisher’s Note: TheContinue Reading

MART schedules and maps, CLICK HERE. MART Expands Evening Ride Service The MART Evening Ride Service has been expanded to 7 days a week between the hours of 7pm and 12AM. Cost of the service is $2 per ride. Normal daytime service is still FREE through June 2025. MART’s EveningContinue Reading

Remembering the Lost with Black Balloon Day Black Balloon Day is March 6, 2025. Black Balloon Day honors those lost to drug overdose and stands with families affected by substance use disorder. Overdose is the leading cause of accidental death in the United States and Americans can create positive changeContinue Reading

Daylight Savings Time Once Again in Greater Gardner MA It’s an annual event. Daylight Savings Time. This year it occurs on Sunday, March 9, 2025. All clocks including even the young ones should be set one hour ahead. While area residents will lose an hour of sleep, we all willContinue Reading

ACTUAL INSPECTION REPORT with photos showing a clean establishment with few issues. CLICK HERE. Fact-Based Account of Actual Clean Conditions at Gardner Burger King The Gardner Burger King has been a victim of some cruel attacks on Social Media. So Gardner Magazine reached out to the Gardner Board of HealthContinue Reading

Gardner CAC Running Low on Food Pantry Staples – Donations Needed The Gardner Community Action Committee put out a message to the community on February 26, 2025 stating, “We are running low on some food pantry staples. If you’re heading to the store, would you grab an extra jar ofContinue Reading

Crooked Treasurer Escapes Jail Time for Stealing from Town of Winchendon The Town of Winchendon published this Press Release: “Update on Treasurer theft of Town funds. In September of 2024, the Town Treasurer was investigated for stealing from the Town. He was terminated and charged with Larceny over $1,200 andContinue Reading

The State of Massachusetts has a number of grant programs for Fire Departments for various purposes. A complete explanation can be found at this website, CLICK HERE. Greater Gardner MA Fire Departments Receive FY25 Firefighter Safety Equipment Awards In the region, here are the communities and the amount of theContinue Reading

From the sheriff’s office, “With its motto, ‘Make Kindness the Norm,’ the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation was founded during a mid-1990s summer when violence was at an all-time high on the West Coast. The idea to start the organization came from a television reporter who pointed out that peopleContinue Reading

Gardner’s Comfort Dog Sully Appears at the Big E Once Again An Ordinary Dog at Home, but a Comfort Dog Hero when working in public. This is Gardner Fire Department’s Comfort and Therapy Dog Sully appearing at the Big E in Springfield, Massachusetts. Top of graphic shows Sully hanging outContinue Reading

Gardner Plans Parking Ban on Certain Streets to Clear Snow Bankings From the City of Gardner: “There will be a Downtown Parking Ban on Monday, February 24th from 7:00am to 3:30pm to allow DPW Crews to clear the snow bankings from the edges of the sidewalk. The City Code requiresContinue Reading

Candidates for Reappointment Face Appreciative Group at Gardner Appointments Committee The Gardner City Council Appointments Committee met on February 18, 2025 and heard from and about the following candidates for reappointment: Assessor Christine Kumar, Police Chief Eric McAvene, Deputy Chief Nicholas Maroni, and Animal Control Officers Autumn Brown, Alana Meserve,Continue Reading

A Salute to DPW Men and Women who work as “Plow Guy” The Plow Guy clears paths one flake at a time and we all rely on our local DPW men and women to keep our roads clear from snow so we can get around. The Jazzy Song is calledContinue Reading

PARKING BAN: Due to the weather forecast, the City of Gardner will have a parking ban from 5pm on Saturday February 15, 2025 until 8pm on Sunday February 16, 2025. Here’s Gardner Mayor Nicholson speaking on the parking ban with additional details. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAYContinue Reading

Freezing Rain Shutters Schools, Businesses, and Makes Travel Dangerous Snow turned to freezing rain on February 13, 2025. Many area schools and businesses have chosen to close. Travel on the morning of February 13th was deemed dangerous. Complete list of closings from WCVB, CLICK HERE. In the local area, closingsContinue Reading

Gardner Mayor Works Late Shift in Annual Snow Storm Ride-along Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson has created a tradition of riding with the DPW during a plowing event each year. In the last snow storm, the Mayor did the late shift. Gardner Mayor Nicholson posted the photos used in our collageContinue Reading

An Easy Life and Property Saving Measure in Greater Gardner MA When time counts, a clear path to a fire hydrant may make the difference. The Gardner Fire Department posted, “Shoveling snow away from fire hydrants is crucial to ensure emergency responders can access them quickly in case of aContinue Reading