Test Kit Distribution Time Change Gardner MA sent out an emergency message via the Community Alert system informing residents that test kit distribution time has been changed to 3pm to 6pm this Wednesday December 29th. Gardner Board of Health states, “Please remember this is not a testing site. Kits willContinue Reading

Gardner Board of Health – Free Covid 19 Test Kit Distribution UPDATE: “FREE COVID-19 test kits (2 tests per kit) were successfully distributed to Gardner residents at the Gardner Police Station on Wednesday, December 22nd. Allocation for that day was all distributed. Next distribution date is Wednesday, December 29th fromContinue Reading

Gardner Magazine has a Vaccine News page containing automatically updated stories. CLICK HERE “The Math of Covid”. Read our article. CLICK HERE Gardner MA and Massachusetts Covid Cases Up With Covid Cases up, what’s the best advice for you and your family? Most experts still advise that vaccines provide theContinue Reading

Covid 19 Test in Gardner MA area Gardner Magazine has the following links for those needing Covid 19 tests. Walgreen’s: CLICK HERE, CVS: CLICK HERE, Price Chopper: CLICK HERE, Walmart: CLICK HERE. Chair City Pharmacy indicates they usually refer patients needing testing to CVS, Walgreen’s, or Walmart.Continue Reading

Athol MA Board of Health Vacancy Are you a medical professional willing to help the town of Athol in exchange for a small stipend? Fill this vacancy on the Board, CLICK HEREContinue Reading

Massachusetts has a high Covid vaccination rate which has protected much of our population. However, since the vaccine is not 100% effective, getting the shot to the rest would be helpful. We understand hesitant people need facts, So here’s a page of the best facts we found…. CLICK HEREContinue Reading

Getting the Vax – Setting the Record Straight Why is there vaccine hesitancy?  It’s understandable as so many figures are thrown around like hotcakes and consistency and transparency are lacking.   But let’s be very clear.  The overall risk in the United States of dying from covid (after getting it) fromContinue Reading

Click above for easy to read large version of Covid Hospitalization vs. Adverse Reaction to Vaccine chart. Click above for easy to read large version of Covid Hospitalizations per million people (and Covid Adverse Reaction rates) Click above for easy to read large version of Covid 19 Infections, Illnesses, andContinue Reading