Deep Dive with the Chair Man and Chair Lady – Rules of the Gardner City Council In this episode of our “Deep Dive” series, Gardner Magazine covers the rules of the Gardner City Council. The discussion seeks to explain the rules in layman’s terms. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.Continue Reading

Deep Dive with the Chair Man and Chair Lady – Gardner City Charter In this episode of our “Deep Dive” series, Gardner Magazine covers the Gardner City Charter as updated as of January 2, 2025. The discussion lays out the Chair City’s operating system and explains how things work underContinue Reading

The City of Gardner has 6 Councilors at Large. To be elected, a person needs to be in the top 6 of vote getters for the position. Nomination papers are available starting April 1st. Gardner Political Machine to Face Kimberly Blake Once Again Gardner resident Kimberly Blake has announced thatContinue Reading

Top: City Council 3-17-25 2nd row: Economic Development Director Stevens, Assistant Clerk Kumar and City Council President Tyros. 3rd row: Tyros, Kazinskas, and Nicholson 4th row: Swearing in of Rob Oliva and Cory Hasselmann Council President George Tyros commented on the Budget Process, Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY. GardnerContinue Reading

Official Election Dates in the City of Gardner MA Up for election this year are several offices including Mayor, ward councilors, councilors at large and 3 of the 6 School Committee members. Subject to the approval of the City Solicitor the dates are as follows: Obtain nomination papers beginning AprilContinue Reading

A number of topics and some resolutions at nearly 4 hour Templeton Select Board Meeting. Summary: During the lengthy (nearly 4 hour) Select Board Meeting, the following occurred: Citizen comment was heard, Selectman Tim Toth criticized the media including Mass Live and Gardner Magazine for our inquires into the AdamContinue Reading

Update: 3-12-25 8:56pm: During the Templeton Select Board Meeting. a motion to remove Board Chair Michael Currie was discussed and Currie resigned as Chair prior to a vote. Vice Chair Mathew Rivard will serve as Chair until a reorganization of the board at the next meeting March 26th. The resignationContinue Reading

One Week Countdown for Winchendon Nomination Papers Nomination Papers are available in Winchendon Town Clerk’s office for Annual Town Election to be held on May 5, 2025, BUT, they must be obtained and turned in on or before Monday, March 17, 2025 at 5pm. Available Terms: ONE-3-year term for Moderator,Continue Reading

Westminster Town Administrator Stephanie Lahtinen Launches Podcast The Town of Westminster has launched an informative podcast to keep “Westminster residents informed one episode at a time.” Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY. Lahtinen states the podcast will be released every couple of weeks. From the town of Westminster, “Welcome toContinue Reading

Gardner City Council Has Short 7 minute Meeting On the Zoning Amendment proposed by Chair City Church, the Council voted to submit the item to the Planning Board for a recommendation. The easements item was granted more time. Council President George Tyros spoke about citizen interaction with departments. Listen toContinue Reading

President Donald Trump Delivers Address to Congress Listen to the Address to Congress of President Donald Trump on March 4, 2025 on any device, CLICK PLAY. The speech began about a ¼ hr. later than scheduled and after a few minutes was delayed for a short time when certain membersContinue Reading

Gardner Mayor Nicholson with a Monthly Address and Update Gardner Mayor Nicholson released an address and update to the City on Friday, February 28, 2025. The address recaps the past month, covers some current and future items, and features a special guest at the end. Listen to the Monthly AddressContinue Reading

Futuristic Gardner Assessor Gets new 3 year Battery? What? A 3 year battery? Actually, Gardner Assessor Christine Kumar publicly spoke about being thrilled to be reappointed for another 3 year term. The positive vibes are contagious. Listen yourself to the recent 5 minute, exciting, Board of Assessors meeting with KumarContinue Reading

Candidates for Reappointment Face Appreciative Group at Gardner Appointments Committee The Gardner City Council Appointments Committee met on February 18, 2025 and heard from and about the following candidates for reappointment: Assessor Christine Kumar, Police Chief Eric McAvene, Deputy Chief Nicholas Maroni, and Animal Control Officers Autumn Brown, Alana Meserve,Continue Reading

Listen to the entire City Council meeting of February 18, 2025 on any device. CLICK PLAY. Complete agenda and packet, CLICK HERE. City Council Meeting of Tuesday, February 18th to Have Impact for Years and Decades The City Council waited about 10 minutes and then voted Councilor Elizabeth Kazinskas toContinue Reading

This Week in the Chair City – an Update by Gardner Magazine Gardner Magazine on some of what is going on in Gardner. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY. Some activities for School Vacation Week – Employment opportunities – Chamber of Commerce Super Raffle – Recognizing Signs of a StrokeContinue Reading

Representative Jonathan Zlotnik Comments on House Passage of Right-to-Shelter Reform Bill Representative Jonathan Zlotnik joined colleagues in the Massachusetts House in voting to pass a bill reforming the state run homeless shelter system. Right-to-Shelter was put in place more than 4 decades ago and many, including Zlotnik, have described theContinue Reading

Planning – Resources – Funding – Legislation – Policy Focus of WGAW Hotline Radio Program Hotline Radio Program on WGAW aired Saturday February 8, 2025 from noon to 2pm. Here are some of the highlights: Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson spoke with host Steve Wendell on various topics including Project PlanningContinue Reading

In a statement during Council Comments and Remarks, Council President Tyros emphasizes why oversight is so important in the context of a July 31, 2024 meeting. We have details below and AUDIO from that meeting. Gardner City Council Meets on February 3, 2025 The Council added a Committee on EconomicContinue Reading

The Massachusetts Mayors Association was established in 1945. Mayor Nicholson was elected President of the MMA on January 25, 2025. Michael Nicholson elected President – of MMA Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson was unanimously elected President of the Massachusetts Mayors’ Association on January 25, 2025. Official Press Release, CLICK HERE. —Continue Reading

Chair Leblanc created an amusing moment when speaking about printer frustrations, “When it comes out of the printer, you know, page after page, I’m like this. Exactly. And then I’ll go, son of a bitch. And then my wife says, are you doing the papers again? How’d you guess?“ BoardContinue Reading

Gardner City Council Debates Oversight of Economic Development Department At the Gardner City Council meeting of January 21, 2025, councilors debated oversight of the Economic Development Department, likely creating a new sub-committee at a future meeting. Gardner Mayor Nicholson introduced Jason Stevens who was given a temporary 60 day appointmentContinue Reading

Donald J. Trump is President Again after taking Oath of Office Donald Trump is now President of the United States once again. Trump is only the 2nd man to serve a non-consecutive term in the Oval Office. President Trump juggles a number of Inaugural activities along with the business ofContinue Reading

Update with the Mayor and State of City and State of State Featured on WGAW Hotline Radio Listen to the entire program on any device, CLICK PLAY. The show began with an informative update with Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson. The Mayor spoke about oversight of City Departments, the hiring ofContinue Reading

Gardner Mayor Nicholson Delivers State of the City Address The Mayor’s speech was preceded by remarks by Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll who spoke of Gardner and its penchant for success and spent the afternoon with the Mayor “bringing developers together as part of a roundtable to understand what the opportunitiesContinue Reading