Gardner MA Fabulous Fall Festival – Oktoberfest Success in Photos Hundreds upon hundreds of people attended the September 24, 2022 event in Gardner Massachusetts. Complete Gallery of over 110 photos, CLICK HERE. The Chair Luge Gardner Ale House Owner Rick Walton stated that the Chair Luge crowd was the largestContinue Reading

Dog Park Pavilions Completed at Gardner MA Dog Park Both Dog Park Shad Pavilions have been completed at Pulaski Park. As they are very small and provide very little actual shade and/or weather protection, they are not being utilized by the public. They are located a substantial distance opposite theContinue Reading

Chairs a Big Part of Gardner MA Gardner’s Big Chair is certainly part of the Chair City’s history of the past 100 years. The latest version was made in 1976 and refurbished by Maki Corp in 2011. The Big Chair is a tourist attraction for those visiting Gardner. Gardner MagazineContinue Reading

The Gardner MA Alive with Promise 4 Minute Video Tour Gardner MA is a dynamic community with a welcome mat extended to business, industry, development, and incoming residents. Our 4 minute video tours several dozen Gardner features. Gardner will be a Century as a City in 2023 and is aContinue Reading

Gardner MA Is in The Zone The Green Circle is 25 miles from Gardner MA and somewhat defines “The Zone.” Gardner is uniquely positioned for success because of its center position within The Zone.  The Chair City is accessible via major transportation routes including Route 2 – West of Fitchburg/Leominster,Continue Reading

Gardner Magazine Updates City – Mayor Without Update Due to Staffing Note: Last week’s Mayor’s Update has received 73 views on YouTube and as of yesterday 2,354 listens on Gardner Magazine.   However, our offer to record an AUDIO update was not accepted.   So we’ll provide one instead. Click Play. ChairContinue Reading

New Gardner MA Elementary School Construction at Zippy Pace Meanwhile, Gardner Public Schools released some photos and this statement, “A few more photos from today, as the moving starts! These truly show how many different types of work are going on all at once.” School District Moving In as ConstructionContinue Reading

Gardner MA Getting Ready for Fabulous Fall Festival and Octoberfest 2 Events in One The Fabulous Fall Festival and Octoberfest is taking place Saturday, September 24, 2022 in Downtown Gardner MA.  Fall Festival is 10am to 4pm and Octoberfest is 11am to 8pm. The famous Gardner Chair Luge is backContinue Reading

Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson was interviewed July 6, 2022 about various topics including Greenwood. “It’s Embarrassing to call a Memorial.” Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson calls for action on Greenwood. The Greenwood Pool is popular and the Swim Meets draw people to Gardner. But the old Greenwood Bathhouse looks bad, reallyContinue Reading

I CAUGHT FIX IT Fever Gardner MA printable pdf. Gardner MA Hit with “Fix It Fever” The condition is highly contagious and is prevalent throughout the Chair City.   Grant money, Investor money, Taxpayer City money – it’s being spent.   First it’s the roads and the sidewalks.  Then entire buildings areContinue Reading