Disney Portraits of Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson, Executive Aide Colin Smith, and Executive Assistant Rachael Roberts Editorial: A Week in Gardner MA out of a Disney Script In Disney Movies, everything seems to go right sometimes. Such was the week in Gardner Massachusetts. Straight off the 3rd year of aContinue Reading

Gardner Goes Disney – A video for the Magical Chair City of Gardner MA Listen to the soundtrack on any device. Click Play The City of Gardner has a future history which is unwritten. It is a magical City where almost anything is possible. Where its people reward ideas andContinue Reading

Gardner Magazine Interviews Artificial Intelligence So just how real is Artificial Intelligence? Well, we had an opportunity to interview an Artificial Intelligence from DeepAI, the same company which created this Gardner Bread Chair for us. It was a most interesting experience. Listen on any device. Click Play. The AI thoughtContinue Reading

The entire photo above was created by Artificial Intelligence using our text input. We added the titling. In an alternate timeline, what if Gardner MA was the “Car City of the World“ Instead? Gardner Magazine put some of that new fangled Artificial Intelligence to the test. What if Gardner’s industryContinue Reading

Gardner MA Magazine Releases Progress at City Hall – the Comic Edition Some think that Super Heroes exist only in Science Fiction. This is not so. Throughout the entire Chair City of Gardner MA, Men and Women of good character are every day battling the negative forces and restoring theContinue Reading

Was Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson in a Genuine Van Gogh? As famous painter Van Gogh passed away more than 100 years ago, the real Van Gogh is Starry Night. The new Van Gogh is a deep fake created by Artificial Intelligence. See our Van Gogh page, right here. On theContinue Reading