Before the Project Starts – the view of Rear Main Street Rear Main Street in Gardner will look very differently some months from now after the project begins. We’ll keep you informed every step of the way. For now, here’s the before pictures. Planned is a multi-story residential apartment building,Continue Reading

Heywood Hospital in Gardner MA with a Busy Lot On the day after Christmas, Heywood Hospital showed signs of a brisk business. Gardner Magazine observed parking lots throughout the City of Gardner. At the time of the photographs on December 26, 2023, the parking lots at Heywood Hospital were aboutContinue Reading

Two Stores will Soon Share the Pot in Gardner MA The sign is up at the Joint Operations location in the plaza at Timpany Crossroads. At some point soon, the business will open and cannabis sales will begin. Currently, Gardner has one operating cannabis establishment at Pearson Boulevard known asContinue Reading

Downtown Gardner Gets More Delicious with El Coqui Market El Coqui Latin Food Store has opened at 2 Parker Street in Downtown Gardner. The store opens at 8am daily, most nights til 8pm. Friday nights the store stays open all night. El Coqui is located in the iconic corner locationContinue Reading

Chair City of Gardner MA Top 40 HIT PROJECTS At any given time in Gardner, there are dozens of projects in various stages. Completed Projects, Ongoing Projects, Planned 2024 Projects, Future Projects, Future Needs, and the Crazy Wish List. The Top 40 profiles the most notable at any given pointContinue Reading

Sports Betting and Marijuana Quota Items Unanimously Recommended by Gardner MA Planning Board With recommendations by the Planning Board, the measures will move on to the City Council where a joint public hearing will be held on: Whether Sports Betting should be added to zoning table of uses with provisionContinue Reading

Gardner MA Happy Trails Solves the Holiday Gift-giving Pickle – with pickles! A local pickle producer from Westminster, Stretch’s Pickles has announced availability at Happy Trails Natural Foods at 43 Parker Street in Gardner. Happy Trails on Facebook, CLICK HERE. Stretch’s Pickles stated, “Happy Trails Natural Foods is a familyContinue Reading

Airport Commission Meeting at Gardner Municipal Airport Wednesday, December 6, 2023 at 5pm – OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY. Gale Associates Inc. will provide an update on the Runway project and the Master Plan. The Airport Manager will give her report includingContinue Reading

Gardner MA Timpany Plaza Achieving More than 80 Percent Occupancy For the first time in years, Gardner’s Timpany Plaza is heading towards more than 80 percent occupancy. The plaza is over 180,000 square feet with just over 30,000 square feet available. The Aldi site is under construction and recently announcedContinue Reading

Golf RX Indoor Golf Opens in Gardner MA According to Golf Rx, their first day open is Monday, November 20th. (at 10am) According to their website, Rates range from $40 to $50 per hour depending upon day and time. There are 3 bays available. Attire required is golf shoes orContinue Reading

Small Business Saturday is Saturday, November 25th -Shop Local Shopping Local in Gardner is getting easier all the time as the Gardner Business Community grows. Downtown Gardner is getting spruced up and is especially attractive for shoppers this holiday season, 2023. Earlier in 2023, Gardner Magazine published an article onContinue Reading

Last Year’s Awards Awards in fiscal year 2023 included for Gardner – Business Incubator Network $17,500, six parklets in downtown parking spaces $30,000, Downtown Wayfinding $25,000,, Real Estate Services Technical Assistance $40,000, Site Readiness for planning etc. regarding new 106 acre business park $150,500. Ashburnham had received 2 grants totalingContinue Reading

Gardner Square Two Inc. reminds area TV viewers of Gardner on TV Gardner’s Downtown Association, Gardner Square Two Inc. posted, “Exciting News! —- Gardner will be featured on Chronicle in the upcoming episode “Main Streets and Back Roads of the Mohawk Trail” It’s airing on Monday, October 30th at 7:30pmContinue Reading

Positive Changes Continue in Downtown Gardner MA Positive change is here and more positive change is coming to the Chair City. Soon, the Rome Building at the corner of Main and Willow Streets will come down. Rear Main Street will be developed with millions already allocated. At some point, theContinue Reading