Bringing the Magic of local artisans to Downtown Gardner MA with the new store, the Witches’ Wardrobe Kate Saab has brought some magic to Downtown Gardner with the Witches’ Wardrobe at 314 Central Street, Gardner as she has given a place for local artists to showcase their handmade items suchContinue Reading

While any discussions of budgets can conjure up visions of the “Fat Budget Man”, Gardner residents should know that Mayor Nicholson’s proposed budget has the lowest proposed increase of comparable cities. See our article. Gardner MA City Council Facing Busy Week – Focus on Budget Fiscal Year 2023 The GardnerContinue Reading

Gardner MA CAC to help struggling families with “Dinner’s on Us!” Program The Dinner’s On Us! Program offers eligible applicants healthy, ready-to-cook fresh and frozen crockpot dinners. Meals prepared at the CAC kitchen are delivered to each registered, approved household once per week. Communities served include Ashburnham, Gardner, Hubbardston, andContinue Reading

Gardner MA Mayor’s Update with Colin Smith 6-17-22 The Mayor’s Executive Aid Colin Smith filled in as Mayor Nicholson was away as a Chaperone for Boys State.   He also spoke of the Boys and Girls Club Gala which had a goal of $100,000.   This was easily surpassed as Ed AtterContinue Reading

Update from Mayor Nicholson 6-17-22: Mayor Nicholson responded to our email with the following: “I’m actually away this week but he was not terminated and there’s nothing official on that at this time. I will look into who said this at the meeting so I can reach out to themContinue Reading

Packing starts in earnest at Elm Street and Waterford Street Schools in Gardner MA Chairing the School Building Committee Mark Hawke stated that packing started in earnest on June 15, 2022. “At Elm Street School we filled 2 dumpsters.  Waterford filled 2 dumpsters.  They will both be emptied tomorrow and/orContinue Reading

Dream of new Gardner MA Elementary School fast becoming Reality Project Leader spokesman Tim Alix stated at 6-15-22 Building Committee meeting, “We feel comfortable that we’ll be ready, if not for the contractual date of substantial completion of July 15th, if not by then, certainly by the time school opensContinue Reading

Gardner MA Greenwood Memorial Pool opens Monday June 27, 2022 The Greenwood Memorial Pool and Spray Park is open June 27th for the season.  Hours of Operation will be noon to 5pm Monday through Saturday.   According to Diana Ringer, prices have not changed for 2022.  Public Swim (including the SplashContinue Reading

The Sentient Soul of American Freedom original poem by Werner Poegel The Sentient Soul of American Freedom The sentient soul is only free amidst absolute equality.White, black, brown, or blue, every color of the rainbow too.Differences embraced as perfect creations of a loving God.Discrimination disgraced as perpetrating the ultimate fraud.Continue Reading

Rutland MA celebrates 300th Anniversary on Saturday June 18, 2022 It’s Rutland’s Tricentennial Day, Saturday, June 18th. Events start as early as 8am and go until 4pm. There will be Cannon and musket salutes from behind the Fire Station – Upper Town Common on the new bandstand. Other events includeContinue Reading

Flat Iron Work Closes Part of Pleasant Street in Gardner MA Pleasant Street, Gardner MA was closed for a period on Saturday June 11, 2022 and again on Monday June 12, 2022 as work was done on the Flat Iron Building.   The building recently changed owners, and from the looksContinue Reading

Gas Prices Appear to Vary Substantially by Region of the Country ($4 to $8) on June 11, 2022 Massachusetts Los Angeles, California New Orleans, Lousiana CLICK any of the Images for Larger ViewContinue Reading