Gardner MA Conservation Commission Discusses Landfill Expansion Again Conservation Commission met on August 23, 2022.  During the meeting, the subject of the Gardner Landfill Expansion came up with various questions from the public.   The chair reiterated the desire of the Commission to have a Third Party provide recommendations prior toContinue Reading

Community Leaders Meet in Gardner MA August 22, 2022 According to Mayor Nicholson: “Yesterday, U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren visited Gardner to meet with representatives of our business community, educational institutions, and our state and local officials to discuss issues facing local businesses, revitalizing our economy, the lingering effects of theContinue Reading

Gardner MA Is in The Zone The Green Circle is 25 miles from Gardner MA and somewhat defines “The Zone.” Gardner is uniquely positioned for success because of its center position within The Zone.  The Chair City is accessible via major transportation routes including Route 2 – West of Fitchburg/Leominster,Continue Reading

Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Makes the Top 40 As he is blessed with an Angelic Singing Voice as evidenced by performances in Caroling with the Mayor, CLICK HERE for audio page, it would not have surprised us if he had a Top 40 Josh Groban type hit. However, NicholsonContinue Reading

American Flag Flying majestically at Gardner MA Police Headquarters The recently replaced flag outside Gardner PD was truly a sight to behold on Sunday August 21, 2022. Gardner honors the flag at the beginning of many of its meetings with the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance – such asContinue Reading

Robot Responds to Update Controversy – A Tongue-in-Check Article in Gardner MA Gardner Magazine uses AI voices as announcers for various projects.   We admittedly do not pay them even minimum wage.  Yesterday we revealed that the Mayor’s Update of 8/05/22 had been heard 3,654 times, today that’s up to 3,674 times. Continue Reading

Gardner MA Public Schools Releases Draft of Bus Routes The lists are based on the most current information and are subject to change. CLICK HERE. The graphic at illustrates the importance of watching out for students who are getting on or getting off School buses.Continue Reading

Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson shown at age 40 with hypothetical U.S. Senate run and at age 50 as U.S. President. (Age Progression software used) Editorial: Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson preferred over a robot. On August 19, 2022 we tried an experiment – putting together our own Chair City UpdateContinue Reading

Gardner Magazine Updates City – Mayor Without Update Due to Staffing Note: Last week’s Mayor’s Update has received 73 views on YouTube and as of yesterday 2,354 listens on Gardner Magazine.   However, our offer to record an AUDIO update was not accepted.   So we’ll provide one instead. Click Play. ChairContinue Reading

Mayor’s letter to City Council August 17, 2022 Dear Madam President and Councilors, I am writing to notify you that I have made the decision to appoint Detective Lieutenant Eric McAvene to the position of Police Chief for the Gardner Police Department. On June 22, 2022 at 2:57pm, I notified theContinue Reading

Residents took to Social Media to Express Outrage at conduct. Gardner MA Inconsiderate Driver Gets Ticket An inconsiderate driver on August 16, 2022 will probably have to pay a fine for using 2 parking spaces. License plate number hidden as driver is innocent until proven guilty. It appears either spaceContinue Reading

The 10th Annual Ride of Your Life in Gardner MA The Tenth Annual Ride of Your Life Motorcycle Ride takes place Sunday, August 21, 2022 from Heywood Hospital, 242 Green Street, Gardner.    It’s a 3 hour ride through North Central Massachusetts with stops at local motorcycle shops.  Registration begins atContinue Reading

Note: Almost every day we have good news relating to Downtown Gardner. Here’s a previous article on 42-52 Parker Street, Gardner. CLICK HERE. Candor Realty May Not Be Done Buying Buildings in Gardner MA The company released this photo on Social Media on August 15, 2022 along with stating, “SomeContinue Reading

New Gardner MA Elementary School Construction at Zippy Pace Meanwhile, Gardner Public Schools released some photos and this statement, “A few more photos from today, as the moving starts! These truly show how many different types of work are going on all at once.” School District Moving In as ConstructionContinue Reading

Need Readers Help in Catching A Crook From Gardner Police Department: “Picture of the truck and trailer below were stolen from the Oak St shell at approximately 11:10 this morning. If seen contact the Gardner Police Department at 978-632-5600 ext. 0   Update the truck has a “Salvadores” sticker on theContinue Reading