Publisher’s Editorial – Downtown Gardner MA Showing Vibrancy With all of the positive improvements in Downtown Gardner, it’s no wonder there’s renewed enthusiasm. Downtown Gardner MA is truly a special place, about to begin a period of renewed vitality. Here’s what I think needs to happen going forward: 1. EffortsContinue Reading

Two Worlds Operating Simultaneously at new Gardner Elementary School While construction continues at the Gardner Elementary School, staff development and classroom preparation is underway for the School Staff including teachers. . The City of Gardner spared no expense as you can see to direct staff to the appropriate parking lot,Continue Reading

Gardner Events Overdose Awareness Day August 31st. There will be Narcan Training at 5:30pm at the First Congregational Church. From 6:30 to 8:30pm at Monument Park (or City Hall Auditorium in case of rain), there will be a community event with music, speakers, memorial video, and luminaries. The Luminary LightingContinue Reading

Why it’s important to vote in the primary. When you vote you have a say in choosing the next Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Treasurer, Auditor, Representative in Congress, Governor’s Councillor, State Senator, State Representative, District Attorney, Worcester County Sheriff. City of Gardner Early Voting page. MassachusettsContinue Reading

Gardner MA Teachers Happy to Move in to NEW Gardner Elementary School on August 29, 2022 Gardner Public Schools released the Moving photos on Social Media, showing an enthusiastic group of educators Movin’ on in. Elementary School students return on September 12th with Kindergarteners starting on September 15th. CLICK onContinue Reading

Gardner MA School District Holds Convocation for Teachers 8-29-22 Teachers were welcomed back for the 2022/2023 School Year. According to the Gardner Superintendent’s Office, teachers working at the new Gardner Elementary School have seen their classrooms and are anticipating various professional development days to be held at the new school.Continue Reading

Labor Day Weekend Upcoming in Greater Gardner MA Labor Day Weekend culminates with Labor Day on Monday September 5, 2022. Labor Day has been a Federal holiday since 1894. Labor Day honors the works and contributions of all laborers to the development and achievements of the United States. Information onContinue Reading

Gardner MA High School Still Among Most Beautiful With the focus on the new Gardner Elementary School, it’s easy to forget just how wonderful the Gardner High School complex is. The design of the building is stunning when viewed from high resolution satellite as shown in this article. However, beneathContinue Reading

Early Voting and Primary Information for Greater Gardner MA Residents of the Greater Gardner MA area are advised to check with their local City or Town Hall for specific early voting and voter registration opportunities. Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson went over early voting and the primary in the first partContinue Reading

Watch the Weekly Updates with Mayor Michael Nicholson on the City of Gardner’s YouTube page or on our Mayor’s Update page, CLICK HERE. Listen to AUDIO of any Mayor’s Update on any device. CLICK HERE. Some Listener Statistics: Gardner Magazine Chair City Update 8/19: 702, Nicholson 8/12: 4,070, Nicholson 8/5:Continue Reading

In the spirit of Downtown Gardner Construction and Revitalization, Gardner Square Two completely bulldozed its website and is rebuilding it to be bigger and better than ever before. Website, CLICK HERE Gardner MA Fall Festival Open to More Vendors Gardner Square Two is lining up Vendors, Food Trucks, Crafters, andContinue Reading

“We turn the school over in 1-2 weeks” says Construction Super at New Gardner MA Elementary School -8-29-22 Update – and he was wrong! UPDATE: August 29, 2022: Construction Supervisor gave us bogus information as teachers were moving in on August 29, 2022. The following information in our original storyContinue Reading

International Overdose Awareness Day is August 31, 2022 in Greater Gardner MA From the website: “International Overdose Day is the world’s annual campaign to end overdose, remember without stigma those who have died, and acknowledge the grief of the family and friends left behind.” Website link, CLICK HERE. Downloadable OverdoseContinue Reading

Fire Danger very Real in Greater Gardner MA From the Gardner Fire Department August 26, 2022: “A few photos from Gardner Engine 3 responding with the Mass District 8 tender task force to Ashby. Crews battled a fire in a very large stump and debris dump. 19 water tankers hauledContinue Reading

Classic Rock Cover Band Big RanDom Plays Monument Park, Gardner MA on Saturday August 27, 2022 from 5 to 7pm. From their website, “the BIG RanDom is a high energy classic rock and roll cover band from north central Massachusetts, featuring 5 different vocalists with multi-part harmonies, that includes, “Rocket”Continue Reading

Hubbardston MA Holds Special Town Meeting August 22, 2022 The Town of Hubbardston held a Special Town Meeting and you can listen to it here. Just click Play. Meeting Warrant,, CLICK HEREContinue Reading

Gardner MA Under Extreme Drought Conditions Over 40 percent of Worcester County is suffering an Extreme Drought, which is one step below an Exceptional Drought. According to the U.S. Government’s site, this was just the 26th driest July on record over the past 128 years and the 30th driestContinue Reading