Community Health Connections on track to open new facility in December The new 20,000 square foot Community Health Connections building on Route 68 in Gardner MA is on schedule to open in December. The current facility at 175 Connors Street, Gardner was in need of expansion due to community need.Continue Reading

Gardner MA Elementary School Students return Monday, September 12th Grades 1 to 4 are slated to start Monday September 12, 2022. Kindergarten starts September 15th and Preschool starts September 19th. School was originally slated to start in August, but was delayed due to construction delays. Site construction is still ongoing.Continue Reading

September 11, 2022 is the 21st anniversary of the 9-11 Terrorist Attacks against MA, NY, D.C. and the U.S. More from CLICK HERE, CLICK HERE, from wikipedia CLICK HERE From Brittanica, CLICK HEREContinue Reading

Watch the Mayor’s Update on the City of Gardner’s YouTube page or on our Mayor’s Update page. CLICK HERE. Listen on any device by clicking Play. AUDIO and articles of earlier Mayor’s Updates, CLICK HERE. Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson speaks of Moving On, Moving In, and Moving Forward inContinue Reading

The Gardner MA Zoning Board of Appeals Met on September 7, 2022 Meeting Agenda, CLICK HERE. The board took up the continuing project at 42-52 Parker Street, 2 driveways, a request to demolish and reconstruct a camp, a request for more parking for online shoppers at 21 Timpany Boulevard, andContinue Reading

Watch the Gardner City Council Meetings on the City of Gardner YouTube page or on our City Council page CLICK HERE. Or listen on any device by clicking Play. (Our recording eliminated the silence before meeting starts and while in recess to do swearing in.) Gardner MA City Council MetContinue Reading

Popular Gardner MA Eatery Dazzles with New Signage and Awning Taco Rey Coliman is a Downtown Gardner restaurant offering dine-in, pickup, or delivery. Visit their Facebook page, CLICK HERE. Gardner Square Two posted, “Look at the new sign and awning for Taco Rey Coliman! They went through the City’s sign andContinue Reading

Appointments Committee Hears new Gardner MA Police Chief Chief McAvene appeared before the Gardner Appointments Committee on September 6, 2022. Sitting with him in support was Mayor Michael Nicholson and former Acting Chief Phil Kearns. Both Nicholson and Kearns spoke in support of the appointment. Confirmation of the appointment wasContinue Reading

Positions open with the City of Gardner MA Deputy Chief of Police – apply by September 9, 2022 at 4:30pm. —- Local Building Inspector – apply by September 16, 2022 at 1pm —- Administrative Assistant for the Board of Health – apply by September 13, 2022 at 1pm – GardnerContinue Reading

Gardner MA Ale House Getting Ready for Octoberfest Happening September 24th The renowned local restaurant and brewery is participating in Gardner’s Fabulous Fall Festival on September 24, 2022 with an Octoberfest. Complete information, CLICK HERE. The Chair Luge is also back this year. – Details, CLICK HERE. Meanwhile, Gardner SquareContinue Reading

A thoughtful Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Updates Chair City 9-2-22 Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson’s Update for September 2, 2022: Just CLICK PLAY. Mayor Nicholson spoke about Substance Abuse Awareness Night, the need for ongoing efforts, and praised those involved. The Mayor welcomed back students, thanked teachers and spoke aboutContinue Reading

Reminder: Gardner MA Polls open until 8pm Tues. 9/6 for State Primary Ward 1: Gardner Elks #1426 —- Ward 2: Levi Heywood Memorial Library —- Ward 3: Gardner City Hall —- Ward 4: Gardner Police Department —- Ward 5: Polish American Citizens Club Election entrance at Gardner City Hall isContinue Reading

Greater Gardner MA is getting much-needed rain, helping with the ongoing drought. Absolutely Drenched is Great News for Greater Gardner MA The region has been in a D3 – Extreme Drought with all unnecessary water use prohibited, browning grass everywhere, crops, and livestock affected. It is unknown how much progressContinue Reading

The Gardner MA Alive with Promise 4 Minute Video Tour Gardner MA is a dynamic community with a welcome mat extended to business, industry, development, and incoming residents. Our 4 minute video tours several dozen Gardner features. Gardner will be a Century as a City in 2023 and is aContinue Reading

Gardner MA Facebook Group Moderator Pauly Potato Spreading Fake News An Editorial by Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel – There are a number of very healthy Facebook Groups serving the Greater Gardner MA area. Most Admins make an effort to foster respectful speech and do not knowingly pass along falseContinue Reading

Plenty of Fun to be had this weekend in Greater Gardner MA Friday, September 2, 2022 – Cruise Night at the PACC features a Car Show followed by FREE entertainment by Mad Hatter. Food trucks are available. The P.A.C.C. is located at 171 Kendall Pond Road West, Gardner MA Saturday/Sunday/MondayContinue Reading