News of possible Gardner MA Community Center shared at Council on Aging Meeting At the Gardner Council on Aging Meeting of 9-12-22, Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson and State Representative Zlotnik spoke about the possibility of Waterford Street School becoming a Community Center for Gardner Residents as well as a placeContinue Reading

Chairs a Big Part of Gardner MA Gardner’s Big Chair is certainly part of the Chair City’s history of the past 100 years. The latest version was made in 1976 and refurbished by Maki Corp in 2011. The Big Chair is a tourist attraction for those visiting Gardner. Gardner MagazineContinue Reading

Watch the Mayor’s Updates on the City of Gardner’s YouTube page or on our Mayor’s Update page, CLICK HERE. Or, listen on any device. CLICK Play. Mayor Nicholson reminded the public that the Gardner City Council will meet on Monday, September 19th. Informal Meeting 6:30pm re the Gardner Fire DepartmentContinue Reading

Greater Gardner MA Communities to Receive Municipal Road Safety Grant Awards State Senator Anne Gobi announced on 9-15-22 that just over $300,000 is being awarded to Police Departments across the Worcester and Hampshire District who completed a highly competitive application process which included plans to improve traffic safety training, upgradeContinue Reading

Former Gardner MA Police Chief Edward Cronin Writes “Just Policing; My Journey to Police Reform.” The self-published book is dedicated “For Sue, My love and partner.” and acknowledges a number of individuals. Cronin states, “Writing this book has been a very long process that began several years ago. It wasn’tContinue Reading

Watch the meeting on YouTube or listen to it right here on any device. CLICK PLAY. Gardner MA Finance Committee Goes Over a Wide Range of Topics Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson appeared before the Finance Committee regarding various funding requests. He also detailed that Tender Heart Veterinary Care is donatingContinue Reading

Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson Accepts Award At the age of 27, Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson was recognized by the Worcester Business Journal as one of this year’s 40 under 40. Photo shown is the Mayor accepting the award at a recent banquet. Natalia Oliver, Chief of staff for the CityContinue Reading

Gardner MA Conservation Commission Perfects Art of Confusion at “Something” of 9-12-22 It is presented as a meeting of the Conservation Commission, but it is more like a conversation. Watch it on YouTube. Or listen to it right here. Just click play. Rarely is a meeting of individuals a recipeContinue Reading

Gardner MA City Council to Address Fire Department Audit in Informal Session The Gardner MA City Council will have two meetings on Monday September 19, 2022. The first will be an informal meeting at 6:30pm to go over the Fire Department Audit. Complete Packet and Agenda, CLICK HERE. The secondContinue Reading

Gardner PD Celebrated Women in Law Enforcement Day on September 12, 2022 From Gardner PD, “The GPD is honored to have Officer Dorval, Officer Morgan and Officer Laderoute as members of this department. Thank you for your continued service and top notch professionalism. This picture was taken on September 3rdContinue Reading

Ashburnham MA Proposes Two New Draft Policies Here are Two (2) New Policies that were created on 8-30-2022.  We invite the Ashburnham residents to review and comment by e-mailing: Policy for naming or renaming town property, CLICK HERE. Policy for the installation of Tribute benches and trees. CLICK HERE. SendContinue Reading

Gardner’s new Elementary School is now filled with students, ready to learn. Click on any image for larger view, also view complete Gallery. Gardner Elementary Opens to Enthusiastic Students, Staff, and Faculty On the day before the opening, Gardner Public Schools posted, “Are you ready?! We are! The last fewContinue Reading

Balance Staffing Opening Soon at 40 Main Street, Gardner MA The company had been in Gardner, moved to Orange, and now will be back in the Chair City. Mayor Nicholson posted, “Great to see all the new businesses opening up downtown, especially ones like these filling up storefronts….” Click onContinue Reading

Community Health Connections on track to open new facility in December The new 20,000 square foot Community Health Connections building on Route 68 in Gardner MA is on schedule to open in December. The current facility at 175 Connors Street, Gardner was in need of expansion due to community need.Continue Reading

Gardner MA Elementary School Students return Monday, September 12th Grades 1 to 4 are slated to start Monday September 12, 2022. Kindergarten starts September 15th and Preschool starts September 19th. School was originally slated to start in August, but was delayed due to construction delays. Site construction is still ongoing.Continue Reading