UPDATE 10-13-22: There will be a Covid-19 and Flu Vaccine Clinic Wednesday October 19, 2022 from 2pm to 6pm at the Polish American Citizens Club (PACC) 171 Kendall Pond Rd. W, Gardner MA. While Walk-ins are accepted, you can register by calling the Montachusett Public Health Network Covid-19 Response TeamContinue Reading

FRIDAY/SATURDAY/SUNDAY EVENT! Poutines, Rapees, Clam Chowder, Chili, and more at Annual Fall Bazaar in Gardner MA The Annunciation Parish Annual Fall Bazaar is Friday October 14th through Sunday October 16th., held daily from 10am to 3pm. Besides loads of food available for eat in or take out, there’s a numberContinue Reading

Reflections of a City: Gardner MA is URBAN, but it’s also very RURAL and beautiful. Growing Industry and Business. Blossoming Education. Abundant Recreation. And, all close to the Lake Wampanoag Area…..in Gardner, the Chair City, but also a City to “Share” All Photos taken on Columbus Day: October 10, 2022Continue Reading

From the Publisher Werner Poegel: I wrote this poem to get one idea across to as many people as possible. While our nation was founded with many mistakes, our country has been one of the most successful experiments in the history of the World. However, its strength is derived fromContinue Reading

Gardner MA Safety Committee Draws Great Interest from Gardner Magazine Readers Gardner’s Safety Committee meeting of 9-28-22 has been heard 2,428 times including October 9, 2022. Article and AUDIO, CLICK HERE. Here are other listener numbers up to 10-9-22: Mayor’s Update 10/7: 713, 9/30:1,081, 9/23:1.190 —-City Council: 10/3 Reg: 785Continue Reading

It Ain’t Cheap Being Poor – Everyone Feeling Inflation in Gardner MA The Mayor of the Chair City just bought a home and is paying hundreds of dollars more per month than he would have just a year ago. Rents have skyrocketed – a recent post on recently renovated propertiesContinue Reading

Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson posts about Band Night According to Mayor Michael Nicholson on October 7, 2022: “Gardner Public Schools music students in grades 4-12 took the field together for a combined performance tonight.” Also according to the Mayor, “The Gardner Elementary School Bands are up to 200 students inContinue Reading

Watch on our Mayor’s Update page or listen here on any device. CLICK Play. Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Reports on “Crazy Week Here in Gardner” in Weekly Update In an update jam-packed with valuable information, the Chair City Mayor thanked the first responders who skillfully handled the small electricalContinue Reading

National Road Safety Initiatives Child Safety: A safe car with the right car seat. More info. Teen Driving: Help them learn how to drive. More Adapted Vehicles: Safer for people with disabilities More Vehicle Theft Prevention: 800,000 victims yearly. More Pedestrian Safety: Tips to keep walkers safe More Bicycle Safety:Continue Reading

Laugh While Supporting Gardner MA CAC There’s a huge Comedy Show on Friday night October 7, 2022 at 8pm taking place at the Gardner PACC, 171 Kendall Pond in Gardner. Tickets are $20 and benefit the Gardner Community Action Committee. Visit the Gardner CAC website to purchase tickets, CLICK HERE.Continue Reading

As far as Uber or Lyft, there is a listing online which quotes basic rates, but we don’t know if there are available drivers. Let us know your experience by sending an email to News@GardnerMagazine.com Social Media Poll: 89% Would Like Taxi Service in Gardner MA The question asked inContinue Reading

Editorial: This Columbus Day, Discover Local Have you checked out a local business in the past month? There are so many great businesses in the Greater Gardner area, many of them locally owned by great local people. Discover Local, this Columbus Day support your local businesses. Happy Columbus Day, MondayContinue Reading

Tragic Pedestrian Death In Gardner MA The individual was walking in the Coleman Street area when they were reportedly hit by a DPW truck Monday morning October 3, 2022. Local and State Police are investigating. .Continue Reading

Gardner MA Michael Nicholson Announces Waterford Street School Redevelopment Gardner will have a Community Center, pending City Council approval. At a public announcement on October 3, 2022, Mayor Nicholson stated Waterford would become a Community Center. Press Release pdf, CLICK HERE. State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik said they would ‘fill theContinue Reading

Gardner MA City Council Monday October 3, 2022 Informal Meeting 6:45pm – To consider “An Act Relative to Establish a Special Act Charter Drafting Committee” Agenda and Packet The Gardner City Council met informally to discuss the proposal by Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson to create the Charter Committee. Councilor WalshContinue Reading