And the Deputy Police Chief Seat in Gardner MA Goes to….. The choice has been made. The new Deputy Chief of Police in Gardner MA is…. Nicholas Maroni Nicholas Maroni will be filling the chair in the Deputy Chief’s office. He will assume the job on Monday, October 24, 2022.Continue Reading

Some Things Have Changed Since Gardner MA Actively Used Typewriters Just how did the City of Gardner maintain its documents since 1785? Originally, items were handwritten. The typewriter did not become common in offices until the mid 1880s. When Gardner became a City in 1923, the typewriter was an indispensableContinue Reading

What other time can you vote as often as you want and get away with it? So have some fun and get Gardner the $50,000. Vote here. Voting is FREE. Breaking News – Unlimited Voting May Get Gardner MA Manufacturing Program $50,000 From Mayor Michael Nicholson, “As you may beContinue Reading

New Feature: Ask the Blue Elephant When the Blue Elephant is in the room, your questions get answered. If you have a question for the Blue Elephant, email Question: Where do I get information in Gardner about Marriage Licenses, Dog Licenses, or Business Certificates? Answer: The Office of theContinue Reading

Gardner MA Faith is Evident by Churches Active on Social Media Since its founding, Gardner has been an actively faith-based community. To this day, prayer opens and closes Gardner City Council meetings. In a world plagued often by bad news, we thought we’d share some good news about Gardner HousesContinue Reading

Gardner MA Faith is Evident by Churches Active on Social Media Since its founding, Gardner has been an actively faith-based community. To this day, prayer opens and closes Gardner City Council meetings. In a world plagued often by bad news, we thought we’d share some good news about Gardner HousesContinue Reading

Gardner MA Deputy Chief of Police Choice to be Announced Wednesday There were 8 to 10 applicants narrowed down to 4 candidates for final interviews. The ultimate selection will be announced on Wednesday, according to Gardner City Hall on Monday 10-17-22Continue Reading

Opening A Business in Gardner MA It’s happening more and more every day. People go to bed thinking about opening a business in the City of Gardner MA. They wake up wondering who to call. We have the info right here for you. Economic Development Coordinator Jessica DeRoy can answerContinue Reading

Greater Gardner MA Chamber of Commerce Announces Winners of Chili Chowder Contest The Chamber held its event on October 13, 2022 at the Red Apple Farm in Phillipston, MA. Winners: Best Chili – Great Wolf Lodge, Best Chowder – Gardner Ale House, Best Table Decor – Blue Moon Diner, andContinue Reading

Gardner MA Gets Invite to Housing Crisis Roundtable Representing the Chair City at a private roundtable meeting with U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren in Boston was Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson on Friday, October 14, 2022. It was convened to discuss the housing crisis faced by the Commonwealth. Others were from theContinue Reading

Gardner Magazine has a treat for you. Feel great about Gardner MA On October 14, 2022, we interviewed the Chair City Chief Executive about Gardner’s successful and transformative program of Accelerated Development, an unprecedented partnership of Government, Business, Community, and Private collaboration to achieve an expedited prosperity. Thank you, Gardner MayorContinue Reading

Gardner MA Deadline Approaches for Cultural Council Applications The application deadline is October 17, 2022 for Artists, Musicians, Performers, etc. who are seeking funding for an event. According to Chair Jessica DeRoy, “Gardner Cultural Council (GCC) provides funding for public programs that promote access, education, diversity, and excellence in theContinue Reading

Gardner MA Busy with Meetings – Listen to one or all on any device Hannaford Supermarket gets new Manager. Petition Submitted by PrivateOversight LLC to amend an ordinance Discussion of Upcoming November 8th elections and declaring 14 Leamy and 177 West St. as surplus and correspondence relating to Municipal Finances.Continue Reading

View the School Committee meetings on our dedicated page, or listen here on any device. New Member Amber Cameron is the Student Representative and had a good deal to say as she was welcomed by the School Committee. Gardner MA School Committee Approves Spending Warrants, Heard Reports, Approved Policies, andContinue Reading