Why Gardner MA has Schools of Great Teachers The City of Gardner MA is proud of its achievement in providing students with some of the nation’s best educators. What is the secret formula? It may be a great recipe, but it appears to be based on simple common sense. First,Continue Reading

Election Day is Now in Greater Gardner MA Check with your community town offices as to Early Voting days, hours, and voting places. In Gardner MA, early voting started on October 22nd and runs through November 4th. Hours are Friday 10/28: 8am to 1pm, Saturday 10/29 9am to 5pm ANDContinue Reading

Greater Gardner MA Moves to Drought D0 Drought Moves to D0 from D1 and Water Supply in Worcester County shows Streamflow at Normal or Above in Good News for area. Worcester and points South are out of drought completely. The Greater Gardner area suffered with Extreme Drought conditions this summer.Continue Reading

Listen to this 30 second PSA on any device. CLICK Play. You may save the life of someone you know or a stranger you might never meet. Gardner MA Police Department Participating in National Drug Take Back The Gardner Police Department will be set up in front of the stationContinue Reading

More and more Businesses are Making the Gardner MA Connection With 4 additional businesses in Downtown Gardner, according to Mayor Nicholson “This makes 27 NEW businesses in Gardner since January!” He also stated, “5-12 are in the pipeline to be opening in the next few months.” The Mayor also enumeratedContinue Reading

Gardner’s Public Schools are now arranged close to one another off of Pearl Street. Gardner MA Superintendent Mark Pellegrino on Progress in the Schools, the Gardner Success Story Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel interviewed Dr. Mark Pellegrino, Superintendent of Gardner Massachusetts Public Schools. We spoke about Accelerated Development in GardnerContinue Reading

Gardner MA Conservation Commission Meeting ends with Comedic Line The Conservation Commission briefly took up the matter of the Landfill Expansion, continuing the matter to November 14th. It then took up the remainder of the agenda. At the end, and while the camera and audio was still rolling, the publicContinue Reading

Gardner MA High School Fall Concert to start earlier The Gardner High School Fall Concert will be starting at 6:30pm on Tuesday October 25, 2022. Admission is $4 adults and $3 students at the door. Concert Order: Marching Band, High School Chorus, and Select Choir. Gardner High School Music statedContinue Reading

Gardner MA Elementary School Building Committee on Parking Crunch and Punch lists When the new school project was initiated some 4 years ago, the number of increased students and staff was not anticipated. Now, the number of parking spaces quickly has become an issue and School Superintendent Dr. Mark PellegrinoContinue Reading

Gardner MA Cars Popular Vehicles Throughout the Decades in Greater Gardner MA include many iconic models we can all remember. Cars serve as a reminder on how technology and styles change, but basic needs are still the same. The history of most of the 2020s and all of the 2030’sContinue Reading

Other meetings this week include the Gardner Bandstand Committee which is slated to elect a Chairman, The Gardner Board of Health which will go over upgrades at 2 addresses and go over Covid Updates, and the Public Safety Committee. Gardner MA Conservation Commission to Take Up Sludge The Gardner ConservationContinue Reading

Fiscal Year 2022 Free Cash Expenditures included Financial Policy Requirements, Grant Matches (Meaning the City applied for funding to stretch the money), Budgetary Corrections, Capital Projects, Planning Expenditures, and Unanticipated Expenditures. Gardner MA “Free Cash” Fiscal Year 2023 certified by State at $2.6 million According to the State of MAContinue Reading

Home Heating and Energy Assistance for Greater Gardner MA Homeowners and renters, including households whose cost of heat is included in the rent can apply in person at the agency in their area. Eligibility is based on household size and the gross annual income of every household member 18 yearsContinue Reading

View on our Mayor’s Update page, or Listen here on any device. Click Play. Infrastructure, Gardner PD, Electricity, and Voting Focus of Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson Update of October 21, 2022 Infrastructure: Kendall Street to be paved Wednesday, October 26th. Concrete Crossing ramp being laid out in the Douglas -RobillardContinue Reading

You can’t put a fence on City Property, explains City Solicitor Flick at Gardner ZBA Meeting In an interesting Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting on October 18, 2022, the panel took up a half dozen different cases including one involving a fence to be placed on City property. Also, anContinue Reading

Why is this sign in Gardner MA? It’s a filler for the Outdoor Billboard provider who doesn’t have a paid client for the spot at the moment. But it’s also a Thought Starter. What type of Disaster Plan do you have for your family? FEMA has a website called Ready.gov.Continue Reading