Nationwide as of 6:10am on 11-8-22, control of the U.S. House and U.S. Senate has not yet been decided. For links to the websites of various candidates, click here. Greater Gardner MA Election Results 2022 Results for various races are in. Office State Senate Gobi – Winner Amorello State RepresentativeContinue Reading

Readers Please note: This article contains a huge amount of referenced information. The links go to a pdf file on the subject matter which opens in a new window for convenience. The article will be updated once the Gardner City Council acts on the various items being brought before it.Continue Reading

Aleksa Fashion Boutique Opens in Downtown Gardner MA Located right next to the Blue Moon Diner at 96 Main Street, the new store has opened to the public. From the business,”Aleksa Fashion Boutique offers pants for men and women brought directly from Colombia. We offer clothes for girls, adults, youngContinue Reading

Watch the Mayor’s Update on our Mayor’s Update page or listen here on any device. Click Play. Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson speaks of Appointments, Budgets, Grants, and Leaves in Weekly Update Mayor Nicholson spoke of acting appointments needed to fill lieutenant and sergeant positions in the Gardner PD nowContinue Reading

Editorial: Signs Caught Talking to Each Other in Gardner MA In these days of political incivility, we give credit to the makers of these particular signs. If you listen very closely, you’ll hear calm, respectful discussions of the issues taking place among the various signs. A fantasy, but what aContinue Reading

Greater Gardner MA Sets Clocks Back for Sunday November 6, 2022 Clocks are set back one hour as we switch to Standard Time. Sunset on Sunday 11-6-22 will be 4:35pm. It will be 4:20pm on Christmas Day 2022. On the first day of Spring, March 20, 2023 sunset will beContinue Reading

Listen on any device. CLICK Play. Regional Collaborative Announced for Opioid Settlement On November 3, 2022, Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson, Gardner City Council President Kazinskas, State Representatives Jon Zlotnik and Susannah Whipps, Winchendon Town Manager Justin Sultzbach, and others announced plans for a regional collaborative to utilize the fundsContinue Reading

Listen here on any device. Click Play. Gardner MA Appointments Committee Meets with Joshua Cormier and Nicholas Maroni – Hears from PD Chief and the Mayor Appointments Committee recommended Joshua Cormier for another 3 year appointment and Deputy Chief Nicholas Maroni for his first full 3 year appointment.. Acting LieutenantsContinue Reading

Gardner MA Board of Assessors Recommends Single Tax Rate Assessor reported the 5 year reval has been completed. Assessor stated that DOR rep told her Gardner was the first to have 5 year reval done, ever. Website will soon be updated with new property record cards and the various forms.Continue Reading

Man’s Best Friend Teaches Civility at the Gardner MA Dog Park In this time of heightened political rhetoric where sometimes common civility is thrown out the window, the dogs at the Dog Park have some lessons to share. Most come from varied backgrounds. Some have even suffered significant trauma priorContinue Reading

CLICK any image for larger view. 42-52 Parker Street Gardner MA Project Supporting Local Local Masonry Contractors in an Atmosphere of LOVE. Windows purchased from Local Manufacturer SWS Corp. Gotta LOVE It! When local businesses purchase locally or sub-contract locally, the entire community benefits.Continue Reading

There was HOT news on WGAW’s Hotline Radio Saturday October 29, 2022 in Gardner MA Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson stated that the design of the Rear Main Street Project is nearly complete with groundbreaking to be this coming April 2023. Plans include almost 200 Downtown parking spots, a waterContinue Reading

Even with High Inflation, Borrowing from the Library is still FREE Levi-Heywood Memorial Library in Gardner reminds residents, “Prices are on the rise, but ours aren’t….We’ve got it and it’ll cost you $0 to borrow it…” Cost of Borrowing Various items listed below: New Movie that just came out –Continue Reading