Wires Down
Wires Reported Down in Greater Gardner MA on December 23, 2022 from Gardner Fire Department, “Please use extreme caution if you have to go out and drive in the City today. There are Multiple Trees and wires down across the City. Please slow down and use caution and give ourContinue Reading
Carriage Rides
REMINDER: Horse Drawn Carriage Rides are ON – Downtown Gardner MA on Thursday, December 22, 2022 from 5 to 7pm – Start at Gardner City Hall and see the lights. TOTALLY FREE!!! “Meet at City Hall and ride through Downtown to see the beautiful lights and store windows and LafayetteContinue Reading
Happy Howladays
Happy Howladays from Gardner MA resident Devin Abramo Devin Abramo says,” This picture took a lot of time and patience to finally capture, but we did it!” The animals in the picture are mine as well! Kaizer, Jewel, Binx, Sprout and you can even see our bearded dragon in theContinue Reading
Gardner Magazine Releases AUDIO Play – The Making of the State of the City Address In the tradition of Gardner Massachusetts, Gardner Magazine is using new technology to create this short 6 minute AUDIO drama featuring fictional voice actors playing Mayor Nicholson, Colin Smith, Rachael Roberts, Jim Boone, Craig Cormier,Continue Reading
100th Christmas as a City
100th Christmas as a City Some time ago in lands we know around usA community became of once was just forest.The Europeans who settled just before the RevolutionQuite Quickly built homes and grew the population. Formed by land gifts of towns who are neighbors1785 – Gardner a town from theseContinue Reading
Art on the Rocks
Another New Business to Open in Gardner MA Art on the Rocks will be coming to the Timpany Plaza of Gardner in late Winter or Early Spring. Lease signed today. We spoke with owner Stacy Sparrow for a 1 minute quick interview. Listen here on any device. Currently, Art onContinue Reading
Christmas Concert
Christmas Concert at Annunciation Parish in Gardner MA Features Proud Alum Yes, that’s Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson (inset) playing the trumpet during the Holy Family Academy performance of Silent Night on December 19, 2022. Mayor Nicholson posted, “Congratulations to all of the students who performed in last evening’s Christmas Concert.”Continue Reading
Gardner MA City Council 12-19-22
‘Twas the Gardner MA City Council Meeting Before Christmas Listen here on any device. Click Play. Note: YouTube version has almost 6 minutes of blank screen at beginning. Our AUDIO version has the silence removed for easier Play. Here is the agenda and packet from the meeting. CLICK HERE. AppointmentsContinue Reading
Turn of Century
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson on the Turn of the Century in the Chair City What you’ll hear about: Learn about new Technologies, Perceptions of Gardner, Employment for women, the new “Roaring Twenties”, use of radio, an item on the Mayor’s bucket list, protection against hard times, drug enforcement andContinue Reading
Mayor’s Update 12-16-22
Watch the Mayor’s Updates on our Mayor’s Updates page or listen here on any device. CLICK Play. For all the Mayor’s Update AUDIO, Click Here. Festive and full of Holiday Fervor, Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson Updates the Chair City Mayor Nicholson mentioned various Christmas Concerts in the update. He thankedContinue Reading
Waste Hazard
Listen to the entire meeting on any device. CLICK Play. Hazardous Waste at Gardner MA Landfill Increasing Cost of Disposal Ten-Fold At a meeting of the Gardner Public Safety Committee on Friday December 16, 2022, Public Health Director Lauren Saunders informed the Committee that the Gardner Landfill will not beContinue Reading
Boudreau Resigns
Gardner MA Ward 3 Councillor Nathan Boudreau Resigning, Leaving an Opening Ward 3 Councillor Nathan Boudreau is resigning as of the end of the upcoming Gardner City Council meeting on Monday, December 19, 2022. Had the Councillor been opposed in the last election, the person from the same ward whoContinue Reading
Finance Committee 12-14-22
Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK Play. Gardner City Council to Meet on Monday December 19, 2022 to vote on the recommendations of the Finance Committee and other matters including the approval of various licenses recommended by the License Committee Listen to the License Commission Meeting of DecemberContinue Reading
Courtney Dunn Gets it Done at Gardner MA Public Schools – Update with Interview She’s been in the job just under 4 years, but the grants manager at Gardner’s Schools is really bringing in the grants. So much so that the agenda for the Gardner School Committee had to beContinue Reading
Winter Safety
Tips on Keeping Your Family Safe on the Road and in Your Home from Gardner MA Police Chief Eric McAvene Gardner’s PD Chief was kind enough to speak with Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel about Winter Driving Safety and other Safety issues. The chief stated, “You can’t drive as fastContinue Reading
Scenes of the Event
There’s FREE PARKING in Downtown Gardner MA for the entire month of December. Public Enjoys Main Event in Downtown Gardner MA on December 15, 2022 Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson led Christmas Caroling. Gardner City Departments including Fire, PD, and DPW collaborated for extra lighting, managing traffic, providing safety cones, andContinue Reading
Trash Update
From Gardner Code Red: All Friday 12/16 Trash Pickups are rescheduled for Saturday.Continue Reading
Square Two Weather Update
“WEATHER UPDATE: Due to the predicted storm, we are postponing the horse and carriage rides. They come from Triple T Family Farm in Connecticut and the bad weather might make their travels unsafe. RESCHEDULED: New Date- Thursday, December 22, 5-7 pm. Starts at City Hall.” These were to take placeContinue Reading
Parking Ban
From Gardner MA City Hall, “Due to the predicted inclement weather, there will be an on street parking ban beginning at 11pm this evening, Thursday, December 15th, and expiring at 7am tomorrow, Friday, December 16th.” .Continue Reading
Great 100th
The Great Downtown Countdown is Happening Now in Gardner MA It is a “Great December” as Gardner celebrates its 100th Christmas as a City. Whether you Shop Downtown, Drive Around and enjoy the lights, Watch a Movie, or patronize any of the businesses in the Chair City, you’ll know theContinue Reading
Great December
Main Event Thursday December 15th 5-7pm part of a “Great December” 2022 in Gardner MA There’s literally Horse Drawn Carriage Rides (Sleighing), Singing with the Mayor, and Shopping at Downtown Stores Thursday December 15th. Update 12/15/22: Due to weather forecast, Carriage Rides are not possible this evening, but rest ofContinue Reading
School Committee 12-12-22
Gardner MA School Committee Met Monday, December 12, 2022 Listen to the Meeting on any device. Click Play. The meeting began with Superintendent Mark Pellegrino recognizing students who were receiving John and Abigail Adams scholarships. Info from the State of MA on this scholarship. The Gardner School Committee Agenda: VariousContinue Reading