City Centennial Kickoff Event Social on Saturday January 14, 2023 from 1-3pm The City Centennial Kickoff Event taking place at Perry Auditorium at Gardner City Hall is a family-friendly social gathering with hot cocoa and snacks, coloring pages for kids and young adults, display of local historical items, opportunity toContinue Reading

Gardner Magazine’s Budget Dog will Save you Money! Our Budget Dog Page, CLICK HERE – has tips to save you money in the following categories: Cable TV – Streaming, Internet, Electricity, Heating, Water and Sewer, Phone service, Car buying, Grocery savings, Clothing, Furniture, Yard Sales – Flea Market, Savings, RealContinue Reading

ALERT: Slippery Roads Reported in Greater Gardner MA Social Media users are reporting around 2pm on January 12, 2023 that Route 2 is moving slowly and secondary roads are slippery. Please drive with caution if you are out and about. Please also watch out for school buses and keep aContinue Reading

Gardner MA License Commission Deals with Late Renewals At the meeting of January 10, 2023, the License Commission dealt with a couple of late renewals in a fairly short meeting. Listen on any device. Click Play.Continue Reading

Gardner MA Planning Board Reviews Retail Marijuana Application The City of Gardner Planning Board met Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 7pm to consider the Special permit and Site Plan Review Application for a retail marijuana establishment to be located at 320 West Broadway in Gardner. The applicant is Seven PointContinue Reading

Gardner MA Conservation Commission Meets January 9, 1923 Chaired by Greg Dumas, the Commission met regarding two projects which border vegetated wetland. Listen to the meeting on any device. Click PlayContinue Reading

Water Main Breaks on Keyes Road in Gardner MA From Gardner City Hall January 10, 2023 at 8am: “There is a water break on Keyes Road. The water will be off for several hours until the repairs can be made. Emergencies: To report water breaks, sewer backups, dirty drinking water,Continue Reading

National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day in Greater Gardner MA National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day is January 9, 2023. It has been observed since 2015. On this day, Gardner Magazine salutes current, retired, and deceased members of the Greater Gardner law enforcement community. It is a profession in which men andContinue Reading

At Least One Display of Fireworks in Gardner MA in 2023 The Kendall Pond Betterment Association and the Gardner League of Artists are hosting outdoor painting sessions around Kendall Pond until June 2023. Artists are creating works based on views around the pond and a mini art show with allContinue Reading

Gardner MA Heywood Hospital to Remain Independent for now In May, Heywood Hospital announced that it had signed a non-binding letter of intent to explore affiliation options with Umass Memorial Health. Umass announced on January 5, 2023 that the merger has been called off. Heywood has had its share ofContinue Reading

Gardner MA Fire Department Incidents up 3.3% overall in 2022 Gardner Fire Department had 3.3% more incidents in 2022 vs. 2021 with a total of 5430 incidents. 71% of the calls were rescue calls. 217 calls were for fires or explosions, up 8 from 2021. Unfortunately, the number of falseContinue Reading

Watch the Mayor’s Update on our Update page or listen here on any device. Click Play. Pointing to the Official Document Creating the “City” of Gardner MA, Mayor Michael Nicholson delivers 1st Update of 2023. With his first update of Gardner’s 2nd Century as a City, Gardner Mayor Nicholson spokeContinue Reading

Gardner MA Public Schools Up 2 Tiers since 2019 The State Department of Secondary Education evaluates Public School Districts every 3 years. Gardner was assigned a Tier 3 designation in 2019. Now, Gardner has been upgraded to a Tier 1 designation for its review the week of April 3, 2023.Continue Reading

Gardner MA City Hall having phone line trouble on January 6, 2023 Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson has advised the public to use the (978) 632-1900 number to make all calls to the City until the problem is resolved.Continue Reading

Art is in for Gardner MA in 2023 From working galleries to creators and fundraisers, Art is ALIVE in Gardner. Here are just a few. Studio 4 Potters Gallery at 4 West Lynde Street is a “collaborative pottery studio. The camaraderie among our potters is reflected in their work andContinue Reading

Freezing Rain Repeats One Year Later in Greater Gardner MA One year ago: On January 5, 2022 Gardner Magazine reported, “Wednesday, January 5, 2022 was a busy morning for Gardner MA first responders as freezing rain caused extremely icy conditions leading to numerous accidents. As Gardner MA Fire Department reported,Continue Reading

Dog License Information for Greater Gardner MA Communities Once again it is Dog License time in area communities. In Gardner, those over 70 do not have to pay a fee, but still need to verify rabies vaccination and obtain the license. Communities require an updated rabies certificate from the dogContinue Reading