Dan Wolski Sworn In as Winchendon Chief of Police From the Town of Winchendon: “Congratulations to Chief Dan Wolski on his official appointment as the Chief of Police for the Town of Winchendon! Chief Wolski is seen here being sworn in by Town Clerk Wendy Stevens at last night’s jointlyContinue Reading

Update on Infrastructure Project – Beal’s Memorial Library Winchendon MA According to the library on January 19, 2023: “Infrastructure Project Update:Furniture is covered, walls and ceilings are open. A lot of progress has been happening in only a few short weeks.”Continue Reading

Electric Bill High in Greater Gardner MA? There may be something cheaper… EnergySwitchMA.gov allows you to shop for an electric supplier for your home or business. You put in your zip code and a list of suppliers and rates pops out. Electric Angst in the Toytown of Winchendon For example,Continue Reading

Gardner MA Zoning Board of Appeals Holds 3 Hour Meeting In a meeting considered lengthy even for a Board which often has a calendar needing a considerable amount of time, the Gardner Zoning Board of Appeals held a 3 hour meeting on January 17, 2023. View the complete agenda, ClickContinue Reading

Gardner MA High School Cheerleaders on the Way to Nationals From Gardner High: “Great send off for our cheerleaders as they head to Dallas for Nationals. We are very proud of this program and how well they represent the Gardner community. Good luck Wildcats!!”Continue Reading

We have another article on the Ward 3 candidates known as of January 17, 2023. Click Here. 9 Minutes with former Gardner MA Ward 3 Councillor Nate Boudreau Current Hubbardston Town Administrator Nathan Boudreau graciously spoke with us about his former Ward 3 which he served from 2014 to DecemberContinue Reading

Gardner MA City Council Meets Tuesday, January 17, 2023 – Charter Committee Confirmed At this meeting: Meeting Agenda and Packet click here. Ward 3 Councillor position is vacant, Councillor Judy Mack was absent. Various Appointments, some not requiring confirmation. – Charter Committee was confirmed. Vote on appropriating $134,500 for CityContinue Reading

Gardner MA Appointments Committee Questions Tina Griffin by Phone Tina Griffin was the last appointee to the City Charter Drafting Committee to be interviewed by the Appointments Committee and they voted to recommend her appointment. Listen to the 5 minute meeting on any device. CLICK Play.Continue Reading

Gardner MA Welcomes Back the Crown of Chicken Open Again! Crown Fried Chicken is open again at 68 Main Street. They are offering Chicken, burgers, gyros, seafood, wings, kabobs, and salads among items on their menu which is shown below. Their phone number is (978) 410-7858. CLICK IMAGE for largerContinue Reading

Gardner MA Focus on Sports Interested in Gardner Sports and Recreation information? Athletic Director Dan Forte says that the Summer Recreation Schedule will soon be published. Gardner Magazine will provide it when available. A schedule of Sports Events in Gardner is sent out to parents on a regular basis. ThereContinue Reading

Gardner MA Ward 3 Councillor Contest Missing One Candidate – You! Gardner Magazine confirmed at noon on January 17, 2023 that “You” haven’t submitted a letter of interest yet for the Ward 3 Councillor position which became open with the resignation of Nathan Boudreau back in December. (Boudreau is nowContinue Reading

Gardner MA: Uncensored Reaches Membership Goal of More than 1000 Members When one popular Facebook group shut down last Fall, Gardner Magazine promised to promote a replacement. On January 3, 2023, at the time of our article on Gardner MA: Uncensored, the group had 731 members. It now has 1000Continue Reading

The Gardner MA of the Past Comes to Life Via Neural Processing Through a process known as a neural filter, Gardner Magazine has created color photos from the original black and white. These are all from about 100 years ago. Remember, the people of the time did not live inContinue Reading

Gardner MA “Mr. History” Mike Richard Has a New Home – Here’s where it is… Beloved Local Columnist Mike Richard has a new home. Due to cutbacks at another publication, Mike Richard is no longer writing fresh material for their pages. However, if you’re looking for him, we know whereContinue Reading

Gardner Magazine Honors Martin Luther King Jr.: — Listen to “I Have a Dream” speech The famous speech was delivered on August 28, 1963, almost 60 years ago. Listen on any device. Click Play. Learn more about MLK, click here. Martin Luther King Day is a Federal Holiday celebrated onContinue Reading

City of Gardner MA Real Estate Taxes Due the First of February The tax rate was certified at $16.13, 3 cents lower than the $16.16 anticipated. This is the 3rd quarter bill and should be considerably lower than the 1st and 2nd quarter bills which were based on a higherContinue Reading

When Emergencies Arise, the Gardner MA Fire Department Responds with Skill According to the Gardner Fire Department: “Last night around 5:30 P.M. GFD crews responded for a possible oil truck rollover. On arrival they found an oil delivery truck loaded with 2800 gallons of home heating oil had hit aContinue Reading