ACTUAL INSPECTION REPORT with photos showing a clean establishment with few issues. CLICK HERE. Fact-Based Account of Actual Clean Conditions at Gardner Burger King The Gardner Burger King has been a victim of some cruel attacks on Social Media. So Gardner Magazine reached out to the Gardner Board of HealthContinue Reading

Gardner CAC Running Low on Food Pantry Staples – Donations Needed The Gardner Community Action Committee put out a message to the community on February 26, 2025 stating, “We are running low on some food pantry staples. If you’re heading to the store, would you grab an extra jar ofContinue Reading

Crooked Treasurer Escapes Jail Time for Stealing from Town of Winchendon The Town of Winchendon published this Press Release: “Update on Treasurer theft of Town funds. In September of 2024, the Town Treasurer was investigated for stealing from the Town. He was terminated and charged with Larceny over $1,200 andContinue Reading

“Who Listens to WGAW Radio” is the subject of a song. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY. For Lyrics and other versions, CLICK FOR song page. Gardner’s WGAW Radio Expands Audience and Appeal with Wide Range of Shows On the air since 1946, Gardner’s WGAW has been around longer thanContinue Reading

The State of Massachusetts has a number of grant programs for Fire Departments for various purposes. A complete explanation can be found at this website, CLICK HERE. Greater Gardner MA Fire Departments Receive FY25 Firefighter Safety Equipment Awards In the region, here are the communities and the amount of theContinue Reading

Gardner Board of Health Has Dispute on Minutes – Has Presentation re 1,4 Dioxane Attorney Tobia questioned the accuracy of the meeting minutes concerning a recent hearing. Upon discussion, Chair Susan Avalone acknowledged that changes should be made to accurately reflect the reason for the Board’s decision at that hearing.Continue Reading

Conservation Commission Meets Regarding Various Properties and Various Concerns The Sludge Landfill issue was discussed very briefly with Chair Greg Dumas allowing only “new” material from the public. Considerable time was spent on 36 Nicole Terrace. The Homeowner allegedly cut down trees on an adjacent property which he did notContinue Reading

MWCC Launching MWCC Village Project In an effort to support the basic needs of students, Mount Wachusett Community College is launching the MWCC Village Project funded by a Federal Grant in the amount of $874,420. View complete Press Release, CLICK HERE. The program is designed to provide basic needs resourcesContinue Reading

Month 2025 Events at a Glance January 11th – Gardner Relay for Life First Lap. Visit Gardner Relay for Life page. Relay for Life 2025 is Friday June 13, 2025 February 17th – Presidents Day – City Hall and various town offices are closed17th – Random Act of Kindness Week23rd – PACCContinue Reading

From the sheriff’s office, “With its motto, ‘Make Kindness the Norm,’ the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation was founded during a mid-1990s summer when violence was at an all-time high on the West Coast. The idea to start the organization came from a television reporter who pointed out that peopleContinue Reading

Gardner’s Comfort Dog Sully Appears at the Big E Once Again An Ordinary Dog at Home, but a Comfort Dog Hero when working in public. This is Gardner Fire Department’s Comfort and Therapy Dog Sully appearing at the Big E in Springfield, Massachusetts. Top of graphic shows Sully hanging outContinue Reading

Unique Release – Song Epic about Composing a Song Gardner Magazine is releasing “Composing a Song, Musical Tour Through Time”. The original song itself is about composing a song and choosing the right genre and the right words. Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY. The fun genre song tours Broadway,Continue Reading

Gardner and 3 towns Lead Opioid Funds Commitment Opioid Distributors, Manufacturers, and Retailers had reached a settlement a few years ago which allowed funds to be distributed to Massachusetts cities and towns. The only problem: Most communities haven’t spent the funds, with Gardner and 3 local communities being notable exceptions.Continue Reading

Gardner Magazine Releases the hit duet “Volunteer” original song This is the tale of the volunteer who has a big heart of care. It is a unique Male-Female Duet about the positive impact of being a volunteer in the community. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY. A volunteer strengthens theContinue Reading

This Week in the Chair City – an Update by Gardner Magazine Gardner Magazine reports on some of what is going on in Gardner. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY. Snow Removal Timing — Local Club Activities — Upcoming Spring and Summer Events — $8 Million Project — Horse RacingContinue Reading

Gardner Plans Parking Ban on Certain Streets to Clear Snow Bankings From the City of Gardner: “There will be a Downtown Parking Ban on Monday, February 24th from 7:00am to 3:30pm to allow DPW Crews to clear the snow bankings from the edges of the sidewalk. The City Code requiresContinue Reading

Futuristic Gardner Assessor Gets new 3 year Battery? What? A 3 year battery? Actually, Gardner Assessor Christine Kumar publicly spoke about being thrilled to be reappointed for another 3 year term. The positive vibes are contagious. Listen yourself to the recent 5 minute, exciting, Board of Assessors meeting with KumarContinue Reading

Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson announced at this meeting that he is insisting that future meetings of the Community Development Block Grant Steering Committee and meetings of the Gardner Redevelopment Authority be recorded to provide transparency to the public. Publisher’s Note: Highly recommend you listen to this meeting as Director StevensContinue Reading

Candidates for Reappointment Face Appreciative Group at Gardner Appointments Committee The Gardner City Council Appointments Committee met on February 18, 2025 and heard from and about the following candidates for reappointment: Assessor Christine Kumar, Police Chief Eric McAvene, Deputy Chief Nicholas Maroni, and Animal Control Officers Autumn Brown, Alana Meserve,Continue Reading

Musical Editorial – “Throne of Shame” Released by Gardner Magazine With so much talk about the proposed Sludge Landfill Expansion, we’re releasing a musical editorial. The subject is the “Throne of Shame”. We all sit there and do our business with little thought of the consequences. As the song says,Continue Reading

Listen to the entire City Council meeting of February 18, 2025 on any device. CLICK PLAY. Complete agenda and packet, CLICK HERE. City Council Meeting of Tuesday, February 18th to Have Impact for Years and Decades The City Council waited about 10 minutes and then voted Councilor Elizabeth Kazinskas toContinue Reading

Horse Racing Proposal Back – This Time in Leominster Baystate Racing LLC is proposing a Horse Racing Track at the former landfill on Mechanic Street in Leominster. According to Leominster Mayor Dean Mazzarella, entry to the facility would be made via the interstate highway and not via Mechanic Street. AContinue Reading

A Salute to DPW Men and Women who work as “Plow Guy” The Plow Guy clears paths one flake at a time and we all rely on our local DPW men and women to keep our roads clear from snow so we can get around. The Jazzy Song is calledContinue Reading

View complete agenda and packet, CLICK HERE. Publisher’s Note: It’s all about the MONEY FLOW – Keeping the Health Insurance Account in the black – Sensibly Funding Badly Needed Projects – Going after millions in available grant funding. – Gardner is doing it. Money Flow of Progress – City CouncilContinue Reading