Yes, the train does go through Royalston, a beautiful community in North Central Massachusetts. On the Royalston website, the approach is of a Citizen Action Center with agendas and minutes, public records, community, online payments, trash and recycling, new residents, emergency services and schools. There’s also a handy news sectionContinue Reading

The Town of Princeton takes the approach of a Resource Center which is easily accessible on the home page of its website and highlights online payments, forms and documents, current projects, town finances, agendas and minutes, vacancies, hours, bids, the Light Department, comments and questions, the Code Red program, andContinue Reading

Pictured at left is Queen Lake in Phillipston, Massachusetts. The town website includes information about Points of Interest in the town including Queen Lake, Lamb City Campground, North Quabbin Woods, and Red Apple Farm. Phillipston provides easy Town Links including a Directory, Government Resources, Meetings and Agendas, an opportunity toContinue Reading

Petersham posts town election results directly on its website. Residents may opt out of the State’s EEE mosquito spraying by requesting an exclusion. If you are in Petersham and would like to get on the internet, the town informs the public that FREE high speed public WIFI is available inContinue Reading

Orange has given a large profile to a Citizen Action Center on its website (as pictured at left) It is intended to provide valuable information to residents as quickly as possible. Covid 19 updates, Meetings and Agendas, About Orange, a Staff Directory, Business Hours, GIS Mapping, Schools, Public Records, JobContinue Reading

Oakham has a Citizen Action Center highlighted on its website. Functions include Forms and Documents, Minutes and Agenda, Bylaws, E-Subscribe, a link to a Contact Us form, and get involved. Something tells us that the positioning of this Citizen Action Center will serve to get more people involved. Here’s aContinue Reading

Frequently asked questions according to the Town Coordinator and Town Clerk include: How do I get on the Selectboard agenda? Who are the town committee members? How do I obtain a copy of a birth or death certificate, marriage license, business certificate, or request a public record? For answers toContinue Reading

One of the largest flea markets in New England is located in Hubbardston Massachusetts. From April to November, every Sunday shoppers browse the hundreds of vendors. Rietta Flea Market has been around since the 1960s. Here’s a link to their website.Continue Reading

Hardwick has a straight forward interface on its website whereon you will be able to obtain valuable information and public records, access many municipal services, read important information and notices, learn about monthly office hours and meetings, and obtain complete agendas of all town and regional meetings. View the information.Continue Reading

Ashburnham is noted for the beautiful outdoors as the starting point for the Wapack Trail and Massachusetts Midstate trail. Mount Watatic was named as one of the 1000 places to visit in Massachusetts by the Great Places in Massachusetts Commission. Ashburnham is home to lakes and Camp Winnekeag.Continue Reading

Ashby Town Hall is open to the public as of Monday, June 7, 2021. On the Ashby official website there is an official statement “On the honor system, we request those individuals not fully vaccinated against COVID to wear masks while in the building.” On the home page of theContinue Reading

The Ashburnham Select Board proclaimed June as Pride Month. Also, the Ashburnham website has a very helpful How Do I section for those who want to know how to “do it.” Ashburnham posts a Calendar of all posted and regularly scheduled meetings in the town.Continue Reading

Gardner was established in 1785, incorporated as a City in 1923. Visit our Moving to the Area page. The City of Gardner has extensive community information on its official portal including Schools, Youth Programs, Community Help, Voting Information, Arts – Culture – and Events, the Senior Center, Gardner Educational TV,Continue Reading