Gardner MA Comments
People Really Love Gardner Real people really love Gardner. We’ve compiled comments from Facebook and Google. And you can even hear them in a dramatic audio reenactment. Click for the complete information!Continue Reading
Making you Hungry!
Eating out in Gardner MA Are you thinking about eating out in the Greater Gardner, Massachusetts area tonight? Well, we thought we’d make you hungry by showing some of your favorite dishes. View them all on our “Making You Hungry” page. And enjoy your night out! We salute all theContinue Reading
Live – Work – Play -Visit
Spread the word by printing a poster and displaying it. Thank you for living or visiting Gardner MA! Gardner Magazine will soon be releasing an HD video produced at our Route 101.3 Studios from footage gathered over the last few months. Come back for details. Live, Work, Play, Visit Gardner Massachusetts ShareContinue Reading
Gardner Yard Sale
Gardner City Wide Yard Sale The City of Gardner will be home to yard sale shoppers this Saturday for the Gardner City Wide Yard Sale Saturday, October 2, 2021. Taking place beginning at 8am, the sale has more than 75 listed homes. Google Map of participants.Continue Reading
Winchendon Fall Festival
Winchendon Fall Festival The Winchendon Fall Festival is being held Saturday October 9, 2021 beginning at 10am. With live bands, great food from local restaurants and food trucks, and over 150 vendors, the event is sure to be a great time! Download vendor packet as provided by town. Fall FestivalContinue Reading
Oktoberfest – Ale House
Festival 9am to 4pm Oktoberfest 11am to 8pm Sat. Sept. 25, 2021 Party in the Street! Once again for the 15th straight year, the Gardner Ale House is doing its part to help make Downtown Gardner a destination with Oktoberfest Saturday September 25, 2021. More details on the Gardner AleContinue Reading
Ashburnham Historical
Ashburnham Historical Society presents: The Ashburnham Historical Society will be presenting a free Historical presentation at 79 Main Street Ashburnham on October 16, 2021 at 6 pm. “People, Events and Strange Happenings of the Past” Also on October 29, 2021, a reservation only presentation of “Bizarre Paranormal Events” will beContinue Reading
Journey to the Future
What will the “Chair City” of Gardner MA look like in 3000 AD? Gardner Magazine took its fictional Time Machine for a spin and the result is the Time Travel video short “Gardner MA, Journey to the Future”. To watch, CLICK HERE for video page.Continue Reading
Live,Work, and Play (trailer)
Gardner MA Live, Work, and Play WebTech Online announces the release of the Route 101.3 Studios trailer of Gardner MA Live, Work, and Play. This short 2 1/2 minute HD video production is a preview of a much longer Movie Video coming out soon. Click for more details and toContinue Reading
Vaccine News Page
Interested in Vaccine News? Visit our new Vaccine News page.Continue Reading
Visiting Gardner?
Visiting Gardner – Revealing Secrets If you’re visiting Gardner Massachusetts, you’ve probably already heard some good things about the “Chair City.” But, do you know the insider information which will make your visit a completely fulfilling one? Do you know the great places to eat? Are you aware of theContinue Reading
7 voice Ad
To play the real estate ad, just click PLAY. 7 Voice Ad released by Chair City Real Estate Chair City Real Estate announced today the release of a unique 7 voice radio ad describing its Gardner MA real estate services.Continue Reading
Phrases Said in Gardner
Just a little bit of humor to break up your day a little bit!Continue Reading
Gardner MA School Calendars
Gardner Massachusetts School Calendars Here are some helpful links to Gardner MA School and College Calendars: Gardner High School – Gardner Academy – Gardner Middle School – Elm Street School – Waterford Street School – Holy Family Academy – Monty-Tech – Mount Wachusett Community College: Events and AcademicContinue Reading
Why get vaccinated? Vax Facts
Massachusetts has a high Covid vaccination rate which has protected much of our population. However, since the vaccine is not 100% effective, getting the shot to the rest would be helpful. We understand hesitant people need facts, So here’s a page of the best facts we found…. CLICK HEREContinue Reading
Live Work and Play, or Visit
Spread the word by printing a poster and displaying it. Thank you for living or visiting Gardner MA! Gardner Magazine will soon be releasing an HD video produced at our Route 101.3 Studios from footage gathered over the last few months. Come back for details. Gardner MA – Live, Work,Continue Reading
Real Estate Report
With today’s low interest rates, Buying may be cheaper than renting. Chair City Real Estate Report 9-4-21 Chair City Real Estate agent Chris Poegel was recently spotted at locations in the Chair City. Chris Poegel notes it is a great time in Real Estate for both buyers and sellers. Why?Continue Reading
Share the Fireworks
Gardner Magazine Shares the Fireworks While working on Greater Gardner MA videos, we came across some of the best Fireworks footage we’ve ever seen and have used it to create Share the Fireworks, a dazzling display of Fireworks! Featured in this 18 minute production are some of the best FireworksContinue Reading
Gardner Museum
Gardner Museum Shares Its Chair As part of our Share the Chair initiative and campaign, Gardner Magazine visited one of our local treasures, the Gardner Museum. We focused on chairs and our complete article has more information including a photo of Gardner’s very first chair made over 200 years agoContinue Reading
New Gardner MA Furniture Store
Gardner MA gets new Furniture Store! Manzel Furniture & Rugs to come to Gardner MA Soon the void left by the departure of Rome Furniture in 2019 will be filled by Manzel Furniture & Rugs, set to open in Gardner before, on, or after the first of the year. Location:Continue Reading
Getting the Vax – Setting the Record Straight
Vaccine Information Resources CDC Covid 19 information State of Massachusetts Covid 19 City of Gardner MA News from the Internet on Covid 19 Google News Search You Tube Covid 19 Video Bing News Search Yahoo News Search including Video News Search Results So What do Masks Actually Do? We’llContinue Reading
Vaccine – Gardner MA
Getting the Vax – Setting the Record Straight Why is there vaccine hesitancy? It’s understandable as so many figures are thrown around like hotcakes and consistency and transparency are lacking. But let’s be very clear. The overall risk in the United States of dying from covid (after getting it) fromContinue Reading
What Happened to Vinyl So what happened to vinyl, cassettes, CDs, DVDs, and Hard Drives? Well, vinyl is still around, albeit sought after by certain collectors. CDS and DVDs are not even selling well at the flea market. Hard Drives are increasingly being replaced by Solid State Drives which haveContinue Reading
Thanks for Nature
Thanks for Nature Sometimes it’s a good idea to pause for a moment and give thanks for the truly beautiful world we live in. It’s a world populated by billions of humans, AND, of course by wonderful animals. For a complete look at just some of God’s best work inContinue Reading