Gardner City Wide Yard Sale The City of Gardner will be home to yard sale shoppers this Saturday for the Gardner City Wide Yard Sale Saturday, October 2, 2021. Taking place beginning at 8am, the sale has more than 75 listed homes. Google Map of participants.Continue Reading

Winchendon Fall Festival The Winchendon Fall Festival is being held Saturday October 9, 2021 beginning at 10am. With live bands, great food from local restaurants and food trucks, and over 150 vendors, the event is sure to be a great time! Download vendor packet as provided by town. Fall FestivalContinue Reading

Ashburnham Historical Society presents: The Ashburnham Historical Society will be presenting a free Historical presentation at 79 Main Street Ashburnham on October 16, 2021 at 6 pm. “People, Events and Strange Happenings of the Past” Also on October 29, 2021, a reservation only presentation of “Bizarre Paranormal Events” will beContinue Reading

Gardner Massachusetts School Calendars Here are some helpful links to Gardner MA School and College Calendars: Gardner High School – Gardner Academy – Gardner Middle School – Elm Street School – Waterford Street School – Holy Family Academy – Monty-Tech – Mount Wachusett Community College: Events and AcademicContinue Reading

Massachusetts has a high Covid vaccination rate which has protected much of our population. However, since the vaccine is not 100% effective, getting the shot to the rest would be helpful. We understand hesitant people need facts, So here’s a page of the best facts we found…. CLICK HEREContinue Reading

Gardner Museum Shares Its Chair As part of our Share the Chair initiative and campaign, Gardner Magazine visited one of our local treasures, the Gardner Museum. We focused on chairs and our complete article has more information including a photo of Gardner’s very first chair made over 200 years agoContinue Reading

Getting the Vax – Setting the Record Straight Why is there vaccine hesitancy?  It’s understandable as so many figures are thrown around like hotcakes and consistency and transparency are lacking.   But let’s be very clear.  The overall risk in the United States of dying from covid (after getting it) fromContinue Reading