It’s an all ensemble cast and this 1 hour quality production is hosted by Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson. Watch Caroling with the Mayor 2021. Watch it on YouTube on your HD TV or on the Gardner YouTube Channel, or watch it here. It’s on our Mayor’s Update page. CLICK HERE.Continue Reading

Best Winter Fire Safety Practices This time of year is a good time to write about best Fire Safety practices.  The Massachusetts Department of Fire Services “provides the fire service, regulated industries, and citizens with training, education, prevention, investigation, and emergency response services.”   Download Winter Holiday Safety pamphlet.  CLICK HERE.  Continue Reading

Have Fun for Charity on 12-22-21 You can spell it the same forwards or backwards, 12-22-21. Does that mean this Wednesday at the Gardner Elks Bingo will be lucky for you?   The games, fun, and prizes start at 6:30pm, but you can have dinner too because the kitchen opens atContinue Reading

Wreath Laying Winchendon MA Wreaths Across America was at the Veterans’ Memorial Cemetery in Winchendon MA on Friday  December 17, 2021 for the laying of wreaths to honor our country’s fallen heroes. Students from area schools and other area volunteers participated.  The organization states, “Remember the Fallen…HONOR those who Serve…TEACHContinue Reading

In person Caroling with the Mayor has been canceled due to forecast inclement weather. However, the Caroling video will be released soon. According to Mayor Nicholson, it will contain at least 45 minutes of music. ‘Twas the Week Before Christmas Twas the Week Before Christmas, Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson dressedContinue Reading

Gardner Magazine has a Vaccine News page containing automatically updated stories. CLICK HERE “The Math of Covid”. Read our article. CLICK HERE Gardner MA and Massachusetts Covid Cases Up With Covid Cases up, what’s the best advice for you and your family? Most experts still advise that vaccines provide theContinue Reading

Covid 19 Test in Gardner MA area Gardner Magazine has the following links for those needing Covid 19 tests. Walgreen’s: CLICK HERE, CVS: CLICK HERE, Price Chopper: CLICK HERE, Walmart: CLICK HERE. Chair City Pharmacy indicates they usually refer patients needing testing to CVS, Walgreen’s, or Walmart.Continue Reading

Today’s Fun Features Word of the Day charlatan Definition: A person who makes elaborate, fraudulent, and often voluble claims to skill or knowledge; a quack or fraud. Synonyms: mountebank Word of the Day provided by Article of the Day Article of the Day provided by Daily Grammar LessonContinue Reading

Town of Princeton Seeks to Fill Vacancy Due to the recent resignation of Helga Lyons, the town is seeking applicants for the vacancy. Applications will be considered beginning December 28, 2021, and will be considered until the position has been filled. Although the position is for a term ending JuneContinue Reading

A message from the Author: Gardner has always been a special place of cooperation leading to great accomplishments. It began from tracts of land from four communities – Ashburnham, Westminster, Templeton, and Winchendon. Gardner has had its tough times just like many other places. However, right now with a greatContinue Reading

School Strategic Objectives “Create a School where all members experience JOY, ACHIEVEMENT and CARE” School Vision Gardner MA Students are getting Smarter! Principal Earl Martin Highly Praised in Gardner MA School System Affectionately called “The Earl of Martin” by one school committee member, the Waterford Street and Elm Street SchoolContinue Reading

Infrastructure Roundtable Congresswoman Lori Trahan was in the Chair City of Gardner MA Wednesday December 15, 2021 for a roundtable discussion regarding how the Federal Infrastructure bill will affect the city such as Internet connectivity etc. Underserved areas of Gardner MA which currently only can get internet from satellite willContinue Reading

Gardner MA Math in the News Why Does Gardner MA recommend Eureka Math?   According to the company website linked from Gardner’s official site it’s because “Eureka Math set a new standard for rigor, coherence, and focus in the classroom so students gain a deeper understanding of the why behind theContinue Reading