Compliment to Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson and his entire TEAM. For National Compliment Day which is Monday, January 24, 2022, I’d like to pay a HUGE COMPLIMENT to Mayor Michael Nicholson and his entire TEAM in all of the various departments for the various hard work, guidance, patience, and kindnessContinue Reading

South Gardner MA Parking Ban City of Gardner initiated an Emergency Notification just after 7pm on 1/23/22 to inform citizens that the DPW will be clearing snow in South Gardner MA from 11pm 1/23/22 to 7am 1/24/22. Area affected: From West Broadway Pizza to the First Baptist Church. No vehiclesContinue Reading

People’s Place is located at 73 City Hall Avenue, Gardner. For directions, CLICK HERE For more information, here is their website. CLICK HERE or their  Facebook page.  CLICK HERE Non-Profit Holds Greater Gardner MA Vegetarian Cooking Class The People’s Place Community Center of Gardner MA is holding another vegetarian cookingContinue Reading

Gardner MA Heywood Hospital CEO Win Brown – Covid Update Mr. Brown spoke of the current Covid challenges including a 7 day positivity rate of 36 percent and a high hospitalization of 43 Covid inpatients (down from a peak of 48 in the last week) Brown emphasized Central Mass hasn’tContinue Reading

Watch the weekly update on YouTube or use our Mayor’s Weekly Update page, CLICK HERE. Congratulations in Order as Gardner MA Wins Municipal Innovation Award! Mayor went on to congratulate certain individuals in the city who have worked hard on a particular project.  Once a year the Massachusetts Municipal AssociationContinue Reading

Supply Chain Issues Not Affecting Consumer to Consumer Used Junk in Greater Gardner MA We’ve all heard about the Supply Chain issues affecting New car and electronics prices.  But what about junk?  Is regularly priced junk now high priced junk?  A cursory look on Craigslist says no.  For example, on theContinue Reading

Telephone Pole Approved by Gardner MA City Council January 18, 2022 A public hearing was held relating to to the installation of one single pole on Church Street by National Grid.  Purpose: to provide more reliable power service for 116 Church Street.   A representative from National Grid appeared.  No oneContinue Reading

National Compliment Day in Greater Gardner MA National Compliment Day is January 24, 2022. It’s a day to compliment a friend, family member, co-worker, server, official, or even someone you don’t know. We have a page of compliment images you can pass on. CLICK HERE It’s a great opportunity toContinue Reading

UPDATE: Free Covid-19 Test Kits and Reimbursement for Greater Gardner MA The Federal Government has a website in effect NOW from which Americans can order free COVID-19 tests. This began on January 19th. For the site CLICK HERE. These kits are absolutely free (limited to 4 tests per address) andContinue Reading

Moving to the Greater Gardner MA area If you’re relocating to the Greater Gardner MA area, you’ll likely want to know about the availability of various needs in your community. Our Moving to the Area Guide covers utilities, housing and home, transportation and taxes, municipal services, financial services, education, vices,Continue Reading

Gardner MA has an Active Library Levi-Heywood Memorial Library in Gardner MA is an active member of the Gardner MA community with a beautiful facility at 55 West Lynde Street in Gardner MA.   January is Winter Craft Month in the Children’s Room.   There’s Grab & Go Storytime now through FebruaryContinue Reading

Stevens Memorial Library – Ashburnham MA at the top of the Library Endeavor Anyone making a trip to the Stevens Memorial Library website is immediately impressed by the wealth of opportunity and immersed in the online experience.  If  you have a valid library card, you can borrow so many itemsContinue Reading

Winchendon MA Receives Grant for Winchendon Fire Department and DPW Winchendon Fire is receiving over $175,000 towards a new Fire Pumper Apparatus. Winchendon DPW is receiving about $44,000 towards a new Front end load. State Senator Anne M. Gobi, State Representative Jonathan Zlotnik, Fire Chief Thomas Smith and DPW DirectorContinue Reading

3rd Annual Moses How Award Rutland MA The Select Board is seeking nominations for the 3rd Annual Moses How Award, to be presented to a member of the public for exemplary public service to the People and Town of Rutland MA. Nominations will close on January 31st.  To submit a nomination, CLICK HEREContinue Reading

Public Hearing Thursday, January 20 at 6pm re Nichewaug Hearing is being held for the purposes of reviewing application from the Historic District Commission for demolition of the Nichewaug Inn and Academy. For more information, CLICK HEREContinue Reading

MA COVID-19 Digital Vaccine Card Massachusetts now has a new option for residents to access their COVID-19 vaccination record from the state’s immunization registry and obtain a ‘SMART Health Card’ QR code to indicate proof of vaccination.  Massachusetts residents can visit a web portal that follows national standards for securityContinue Reading

Ashby MA Natural Resource Protection Zoning Presentation Online, January 20, 2022 At 7pm From Ashby website, “On Thursday, January 20, at 7:00 pm the Planning Board invites the Select Board, other Town officials, and the general public to attend a presentation on Natural Resources Protection Zoning (NRPZ).  The meeting willContinue Reading

Ashburnham MA Election Year 2022 There’s open voter registration at the Town Clerk’s Office at 32 Main Street from 7am to 5pm Monday through Thursday (Ashburnham Town Hall is closed on Friday).  Tuesday February 8 is the last day to register to vote for Citizen’s Caucus which will be  heldContinue Reading