Gardner Magazine Releases “Welcome Back Birds” – Inspirational Pop Song An inspirational song about much more than these beautiful creatures. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY. From the song “To learn from a bird and its song, to listen now and live ever strong, to participate in every experience, fullyContinue Reading

Hotline Radio Daylight Savings Eve Show On the last day before Daylight Savings Time on March 8, 2025, WGAW Hotline Radio host Steve Wendell had various interviews, reports, segments, and commentary. Listen to the program on any device, CLICK PLAY Gardner Mayor Nicholson explained the Williams Rockwell Grant Announcement, andContinue Reading

Templeton Town Administrator Adam Lamontagne Resigns In his weekly memorandum to the Select Board, Lamontagne wrote: “I appreciate the kind words and support I received from town employees, residents, and the community as a whole since I submitted my resignation. My last day will be March 17th. Thank you TempletonContinue Reading

Grants this year were more than double what was awarded last year and covered submissions from Gardner Elementary, Gardner Middle, Gardner High, and Gardner Academy. Williams-Rockwell 2025 Grants Total over $208k The Williams-Rockwell Educational Gift Fund Committee awarded $208,855.75 to 35 different projects this year compared to $82,831.60 to 15Continue Reading

JAM-PACKED Update: This Week in the Chair City – March 7, 2025 The Gardner Magazine updated can be heard on any device. CLICK PLAY. Covered: Gardner City Council with a statement by Council President George Tyros. Council on Aging with a statement by Director Mike Ellis. Events in the ChairContinue Reading

MART schedules and maps, CLICK HERE. MART Expands Evening Ride Service The MART Evening Ride Service has been expanded to 7 days a week between the hours of 7pm and 12AM. Cost of the service is $2 per ride. Normal daytime service is still FREE through June 2025. MART’s EveningContinue Reading

Remembering the Lost with Black Balloon Day Black Balloon Day is March 6, 2025. Black Balloon Day honors those lost to drug overdose and stands with families affected by substance use disorder. Overdose is the leading cause of accidental death in the United States and Americans can create positive changeContinue Reading

Gardner Magazine Releases “Daylight Savings” Listen to the soon to be hit “Daylight Savings” Funky tune on any device. CLICK PLAY. Gain an hour, now lose an hour,Why give clocks so much power,It all comes out about the same,It’s Daylight Savings Time Again. After a week or so I kindaContinue Reading

Gardner City Council Has Short 7 minute Meeting On the Zoning Amendment proposed by Chair City Church, the Council voted to submit the item to the Planning Board for a recommendation. The easements item was granted more time. Council President George Tyros spoke about citizen interaction with departments. Listen toContinue Reading

Council on Aging – Good Financial Footing – Ukulele Problem Solved Listen to the Council on Aging meeting of March 3, 2025 on any device. CLICK PLAY. Various programs, projects, grants, and budget items were discussed during the meeting. Senior Director Mike Ellis stated, “I feel like we’ve never beenContinue Reading

President Donald Trump Delivers Address to Congress Listen to the Address to Congress of President Donald Trump on March 4, 2025 on any device, CLICK PLAY. The speech began about a ¼ hr. later than scheduled and after a few minutes was delayed for a short time when certain membersContinue Reading

Daylight Savings Time Once Again in Greater Gardner MA It’s an annual event. Daylight Savings Time. This year it occurs on Sunday, March 9, 2025. All clocks including even the young ones should be set one hour ahead. While area residents will lose an hour of sleep, we all willContinue Reading

Gardner Museum Opens for the Season in Gardner MA The Gardner Museum on Pearl Street in Gardner opens for the Season on March 5, 2025 with a Spring Exhibit featuring the Gardner Fire Department. From the museum “We start our museum year with a display of photos and items pertainingContinue Reading

Renting a storefront, putting up a sign, and doing Social Media posts is not a recipe for success. We’ve seen too many local businesses fail because they don’t understand the need for REAL ADVERTISING whether it’s here, WGAW Radio, TV, Direct Mail, flyers, or shouting from the rooftops. Investopedia hasContinue Reading

News from WGAW Hotline Radio Show of March 1, 2025 Listen to this episode of Greater Gardner’s Hit Interview show on any device, CLICK PLAY. 1st Hour: Gardner Mayor Nicholson: Budget and State aid and various projects —-Mayor Dean Mazzarella of Leominster on various projects and status of BayState RacingContinue Reading

Gardner Mayor Nicholson using new role to Advocate for Greater Gardner area residents Gardner residents have expressed frustration with high electricity and gas bills and Mayor Michael Nicholson is taking the fight to Boston. As President of the Massachusetts Mayors Association, Nicholson signed a letter on February 28, 2025 whichContinue Reading

Gardner Magazine Releases “My Talking TV” – Everybody should have a friendly appliance From the song “My TV has a life of its own, Taking me to the Twilight Zone, One Day I was watching a show, and my TV had a coffee to go.” Listen to the flop ofContinue Reading

Gardner Mayor Nicholson with a Monthly Address and Update Gardner Mayor Nicholson released an address and update to the City on Friday, February 28, 2025. The address recaps the past month, covers some current and future items, and features a special guest at the end. Listen to the Monthly AddressContinue Reading

This Week in the Chair City – an Update by Gardner Magazine Gardner Magazine reports on some of what is going on in Gardner. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY. Some of what is in this jam-packed program: Local Restaurant targeted —- Gardner Board of Health — Gardner CAC —Continue Reading

Heywood Healthcare Releases List of Physicians Accepting New Patients If you’re looking for a physician for any reason, the list in the graphic might be of help. Just click the image for a larger view. Heywood Healthcare publicized this list of physicians in the region who are accepting new patients.Continue Reading

Gardner Magazine Releases Ridiculous Song “The Sandwich“ Ever had a discussion in your house about the perfect sandwich? Ever had some of that really delicious homemade bread and put on some fresh ingredients for that perfect sandwich? Then maybe this crazy song is just for you. Listen on any device.Continue Reading

Gardner’s LA19 in Order – Easements Ready – Salary Study – Health Insurance The Gardner Finance Committee took up varied topics at a February 26, 2025 meeting. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY. MA Department of Revenue certified the City’s Form LA-19 – percentage City Valuations areContinue Reading

ACTUAL INSPECTION REPORT with photos showing a clean establishment with few issues. CLICK HERE. Fact-Based Account of Actual Clean Conditions at Gardner Burger King The Gardner Burger King has been a victim of some cruel attacks on Social Media. So Gardner Magazine reached out to the Gardner Board of HealthContinue Reading

Gardner CAC Running Low on Food Pantry Staples – Donations Needed The Gardner Community Action Committee put out a message to the community on February 26, 2025 stating, “We are running low on some food pantry staples. If you’re heading to the store, would you grab an extra jar ofContinue Reading

Crooked Treasurer Escapes Jail Time for Stealing from Town of Winchendon The Town of Winchendon published this Press Release: “Update on Treasurer theft of Town funds. In September of 2024, the Town Treasurer was investigated for stealing from the Town. He was terminated and charged with Larceny over $1,200 andContinue Reading