Gardner MA School Committee to Meet on Monday June 10, 2024 A Grant Update to the School Committee being presented by Courtney Dunn includes funding from Entitlement Grants, Targeted Support Funds, and Competitive Grants. Total for Fiscal Year 2025 is $2,945,628. See detail on pdf, CLICK HERE. Various warrant articlesContinue Reading

Gardner School Committee Met on Monday May 13, 2024 The Gardner MA School Committee Met on Monday May 13, 2024. Complete Agenda and Packet, CLICK HERE. Listen to the meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY. Robert Swartz detailed progress relating to various projects in the schools. pointing out that someContinue Reading

Article on the April School Committee Budget Meeting, CLICK HERE. School Committee OK doing Voice Vote on Budget In our article about the last School Committee meeting, we questioned the vote as it was not a roll call vote as the Mayor did last year. However, Mayor Nicholson has kindlyContinue Reading

Gardner Magazine downloaded the Budget Hearing notice and Meeting Agenda last night about 10:30pm. At that hour, the complete packet had not been posted. We thank Gardner Mayor Nicholson for getting the packet posted today. We post the complete agendas and packets as a public service to keep you betterContinue Reading

Note to Readers: Gardner Magazine is awaiting further information regarding the Gardner School Committee Meeting of April 8, 2024 prior to publishing an article and AUDIO of the meeting. We apologize for the delay. However, in this case, we believe accuracy to be more important than expediency.Continue Reading

School Committee Hears from Principal Earl Martin of Gardner Elementary School At a meeting of March 11, 2024, the Gardner MA School Committee heard a presentation from Earl Martin, the Principal of Gardner Elementary School. MTSS refers to Multi-tiered systems of support. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICKContinue Reading

The emphasis on helping each individual student has been something for which the Gardner Public Schools has receiving ongoing praise from a number of circles. Gardner Public Schools Showcases its core values of C.A.R.E. in Latest Proposed Curriculum In the packet and agenda for the Gardner School Committee meeting forContinue Reading

School Committee Reviewing Policies and Curriculum at Monday Meeting The packet contains extensive information about the School Curriculum and courses. View agenda and 261 page packet, CLICK HERE. REPORT on the meeting including AUDIO, CLICK HERE. The vision of the School system includes the following statement: “Every child, in everyContinue Reading

Jennifer Pelavin Gets Vice Chair Nod Again Jennifer Pelavin once again was selected by the other School Committee members to serve as Vice-Chair at the meeting of January 2, 2024. Mayor Nicholson serves as the Chair of the Committee per the City Charter. Listen to the meeting on any device,Continue Reading

Gardner School Music Concerts Gardner Middle School Winter Band Concert, Tuesday, December 12th at 6pm Gardner High School Winter Concert, Wednesday December 20th at 7pm at Gardner High School Landry Auditorium Facebook page. Achievement of Excellence Focus of Gardner MA School Committee The Gardner MA School Committee met on DecemberContinue Reading

Students have been temporarily utilizing facilities at Elm Street School in Gardner and the Cornerstone Church in Winchendon since a boiler issue contaminated the air and required the schools to be closed to students. Murdock Middle and High School Reopen Thursday, December 7, 2023– Air Quality Passed Winchendon Superintendent ofContinue Reading

Gardner MA School Committee Meets on November 13, 2023 Agenda and Complete packet is found here. Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY. Donation: The Gardner MA School Committee voted to accept a donation of $2,000 from Yen Yen Chinese Restaurant. Later in the meeting it was announcedContinue Reading

Members of the School Committee heard from Dr. Catherine Goguen and from GES Principal Earl Martin regarding the much higher reading scores which once again are higher than before. They detailed achievements and future goals. Pictures were shown of the play area at the rear of Gardner Elementary School. NurseContinue Reading

Listen to the meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY. Gardner MA School Committee Meeting Monday September 11, 2023 The meeting packet contains a large amount of information regarding the upcoming School Year, CLICK HERE. Academic Excellence Gardner Public Schools is way ahead of the curve on academic excellence including EarlyContinue Reading

School starts for grades 1-12 on Tuesday, September 5, 2023. However, Kindergarten is different: 9/6: Kindergarten orientation last names A-J 9:30-11am, 9/7: Kindergarten orientation last names K-Z 9:30-11am, and 9/8: First full day for all Kindergarten 9am-3:15pm. Preschool starts Monday, September 18, 2023. We have the entire 2023-2024 School CalendarContinue Reading

Gardner MA School Committee Approves FY’24 Budget Listen to the Meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY. Complete Meeting Agenda and packet, CLICK HERE. Gardner High School Cheerleaders were recognized by the Superintendent and by their coach. Dr. Pellegrino made a budget presentation. School Budget for FY24 was unanimously approved. VariousContinue Reading

Graphic shows the Parent Communication Flow: Individual Teacher – School Counselor – School Principal – Superintendent of Schools. The idea is to solve any issues earliest in the flow. It’s working. Superintendent Pellegrino reports few phone calls. Gardner has one of the only Calculus with Physics programs. Gardner is strongContinue Reading

Graphic shows the Parent Communication Flow: Individual Teacher – School Counselor – School Principal – Superintendent of Schools. The idea is to solve any issues earliest in the flow. It’s working. Superintendent Pellegrino reports few phone calls. Gardner has one of the only Calculus with Physics programs. Gardner is strongContinue Reading

Finance Committee packet in which the Mayor references this issue, CLICK HERE. He also details the results of the RFP process for other properties. School Street Condos Halted in Gardner MA Due to Title Issue Chad King’s successful proposal to turn the old School Street School at 53 School StreetContinue Reading

Gardner MA School Committee Met on Monday, April 10, 2023 Listen to the Meeting on any device. CLICK Play The Gardner School Committee reviewed various policies, took up various articles, reviewed various reports, and heard various updates. The Committee took a vote on the Gardner High School Cheerleaders trip toContinue Reading

Gardner MA School Committee and Cartoon Real and Cartoon Images of the Gardner School Committee. The cartoon images were generated by an Artificial Intelligence program. As you can see, the AI takes various elements of the person’s image and highlights that feature in the cartoon. We have an entire pageContinue Reading

Another Day of No School for Some, Delays for Others in Greater Gardner MA For the latest list of closings and delays, CLICK HERE. 2 Hour Delay 3/15/23: Ashburnham-Westminster, Monty Tech, Quabbin Regional, Closed 3/15/23: Athol-Royalston Regional, Gardner Public, Mount Wachusett Community College, Narragansett Regional, The Village School – Royalson,Continue Reading

Gardner MA School Committee Discusses Facilities and Academics on March 13, 2023 With a leaner School Committee meeting due to the absence of some members, the Gardner School Committee met on Monday, March 13, 2023 on the evening before the Big Storm of 2023 Listen to the meeting on anyContinue Reading

Interested in more about Gardner Schools, School Committee meetings, and more? Visit our Local Schools page. Learn why Gardner is becoming a model School District. What’s Happening in Gardner MA Public Schools Anyway? For those who don’t have kids in school anymore, you might not know of the strides ofContinue Reading

See a full page view of the comics in the graphic above. In Packet Released to Public, Gardner School Committee Reveals Compelling Evidence of Superior Gardner MA Education Read the Entire packet, CLICK HERE. It’s apparent when reading this packet that Gardner Public Schools is trying to be the bestContinue Reading

Gardner MA School Committee with First Meeting of 2023 The meeting opened with its reorganization and Jennifer Pelavin was elected Vice Chair. John Lafreniere was elected Finance Officer. Rachael Cormier was elected Secretary of the School Committee. Wasted Energy? Robert Schwartz noted that there were some windows open at theContinue Reading

Gardner MA School Committee Met Monday, December 12, 2022 Listen to the Meeting on any device. Click Play. The meeting began with Superintendent Mark Pellegrino recognizing students who were receiving John and Abigail Adams scholarships. Info from the State of MA on this scholarship. The Gardner School Committee Agenda: VariousContinue Reading

Gardner MA Public Schools Actively Seeking Parental Input – Survey Closes December 15, 2022 Here’s your chance to have valuable input on your child’s education, but you must submit the survey by December 15th. There’s a separate survey for each school:Gardner Elementary, Middle, and High Schools, and Gardner Academy. Here’sContinue Reading

Editorial: Gardner MA Should be Very Proud of Its Public Schools and its Teachers From Gardner Magazine Publisher Werner Poegel: Residents of Gardner should be extremely proud of Gardner Public Schools. Included in our article of the November 14, 2022 School Committee Meeting is the complete packet featuring reports fromContinue Reading

View the School Committee meetings on our dedicated page, or listen here on any device. New Member Amber Cameron is the Student Representative and had a good deal to say as she was welcomed by the School Committee. Gardner MA School Committee Approves Spending Warrants, Heard Reports, Approved Policies, andContinue Reading

School Committee Meeting Mixed Bag of Enthusiasm for School Opening and Mystery of What’s “in the Packet“ In a meeting released to the public more then 2 weeks after it occurred, the Gardner School Committee officially approved the previously released amended School Calendar, elected Robert Swartz as delegate to theContinue Reading

Gardner MA Elementary School Students return Monday, September 12th Grades 1 to 4 are slated to start Monday September 12, 2022. Kindergarten starts September 15th and Preschool starts September 19th. School was originally slated to start in August, but was delayed due to construction delays. Site construction is still ongoing.Continue Reading

Two Worlds Operating Simultaneously at New Gardner Elementary School World 1: Teachers and Staff getting ready for the 2022/23 School Year. World 2: Construction Crew continuing its work. Construction Workers on August 31, 2022 continue to finish the new Gardner Elementary School. While staff and teachers settle in at theContinue Reading

Gardner MA High School Still Among Most Beautiful With the focus on the new Gardner Elementary School, it’s easy to forget just how wonderful the Gardner High School complex is. The design of the building is stunning when viewed from high resolution satellite as shown in this article. However, beneathContinue Reading

Gardner MA Public Schools Releases Draft of Bus Routes The lists are based on the most current information and are subject to change. CLICK HERE. The graphic at illustrates the importance of watching out for students who are getting on or getting off School buses.Continue Reading

Construction Continues on New Gardner MA Elementary School School has been delayed for the 2022 School Year and all are hoping no more delays are required. Gardner Mayor Michael Nicholson made a number of photos of the interior of the new school available and we show them on this page.Continue Reading

Gardner MA Successfully Tackling Education Puzzle in Gardner Public Schools Employees of the Gardner School District have received praise from Administrators, Public Officials, and School Committee members for their work during the pandemic. However, much of the superior work done to improve the learning experience in Gardner Public Schools hasContinue Reading