Contact Gardner Magazine
To add events to Gardner Magazine or to give us a news story lead, email News@GardnerMagazine.com. Our voicemail line is (978) 632-6324
Contact WGAW
To contact WGAW Radio and Hotline Host Steve Wendell email wgaw1340@wgaw1340.com or call (978) 632-1340. Local officials, organizations etc. should contact ahead of time to assure time availability.
Follow up Editorial: The Hotline Radio HOTLINE HIVE
On the Hotline Radio Show of March 8, 2025, my commentary spoke of “real advertising” and the reason many businesses fail. The past few days of Social Media Drama has simply reinforced what I said. I’ve seen a Downtown Gardner business which just opened up not update its website or Facebook with its current location. I’ve seen one Facebook Group cease amid some drama and businesses complaining about the lack of a place to promote. Since Saturday, Gardner Magazine has reached 5x more people than all of the Social Media groups combined. Also, in the meantime, WGAW has been airing local news stories to thousands and 24/7 News/Talk Programming. And its busy-as-a -bee radio waves have been pollinating the growth of a number of local businesses with “real advertising.”
Gardner Magazine produced a Jazz piece for the upcoming 3-15-25 Saturday Hotline Show called the “Hotline Hive” Listen on any device, CLICK PLAY.
And here’s the commentary from the March 8th program. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.