We also have AUDIO of the entire meeting available here. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Public Service Committee Balances Consistency with Compassion with distraught Property Owner
The Gardner Public Service Committee has the responsibility of ruling on water and sewer abatement requests. Out- of- town Property Owner Terri owns a 4 unit property on Chelsea Street and got an unexpected large water bill due to usage from a leaking toilet. Bill was $3000 . The members of the committee listened to Terri who attended via a telephone call. Dane Arnold informed the committee that usually the only resolution would be a payment plan. Other councilors informed that the committee had to be consistent. The interaction was difficult and the committee members handled the issue with compassion and came up with a creative solution. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Typical bill has been 550-900. This bill was $3000. Tenant notified landlord and landlord had plumber fix the leak. Normally, no abatement is available because the water was still used. Caller was very emotional, stating that she was having trouble paying the mortgage as some tenants have not been paying her the rent. It was explained to the caller that the City can’t control the tenant piece. However, the committee ended up taking off $500 out of compassion and then allowing the remainder of $2500 to be paid over 12 months at $208 per month, starting in January. Interest was also waived. A case of consistency balanced with care and compassion.