Editorial – The Tale of Pinocchio Paul – He knows it’s false, he has actual malice.
Perhaps you know an individual like this: A man who accuses almost anyone of anything knowing it is false. A man who makes statements with actual malice towards many in the community. A man who has targeted public officials including the Mayor, the City Council, the Police and Fire Departments, and employees of the City. A man who knows he is lying, but does it anyway. A man who targets Non-profits with false statements. A man who states false things about individuals. A man who silences dissent. A man who makes up the foulest stuff just because he thinks he can. REALITY CHECK: If there is such a man, the law will eventually catch up with him. FREE SPEECH doesn’t cover it when you know it is false. FREE SPEECH doesn’t cover it when you have actual malice towards someone. FREE SPEECH assumes purity of thought, not EVIL INTENT. Is there an individual in Gardner like this? I hope not.