Massachusetts has 2.1% of the U.S. Population. However, it gets 4 times that, or 8.5% of the American Cancer Society grant funding. Support the Gardner Relay for Life.
Massachusetts Gets 8.5% of all American Cancer Society Research Funding
The Gardner Relay for Life and other relays throughout the state may support the American Cancer Society, but that money is coming right back to the State of Massachusetts in the form of research grants to find cures for cancer.
Support the Relay for Life. All the details,, CLICK HERE.
Of all U.S. States, the Massachusetts population is about 7 million, or 2.1% of the U.S. population of 332 million. However, the American Cancer Society on its website shows Massachusetts with a total of 92 grants worth $40.4 million out of a total of $472.6 million awarded nationwide. That’s 8.5% of the total. That means Massachusetts gets nearly 4 times the money you would expect by population. Visit this page: Here’s the latest research news: