We thank Claude Vautour for taking these photos on Saturday, November 4, 2023 as the DPW crew worked on this project.
Puddling Problem at Pulaski Dog Park in Gardner MA Addressed in Big Way
When the Gardner Dog Park was created, most of the drainage issues were addressed in the initial construction. However, challenges persisted. For those who don’t know, the park has higher points of elevation around it. A recent flooding rainstorm in September was helpful in learning what was working and what wasn’t. Turns out that the park which was three quarters flooded the night of the big rain was devoid of most of the water the next morning. – The drainage system mostly worked. But as Dane Arnold stated recently, “the entire park is a low-lying area and the ground is saturated and becomes muddy and causes pooling in some areas.” This work endeavors to solve the remaining issues which have contributed to a troublesome mud puddle.
The Arnold and Oliva Solution
DPW Dane Arnold and City Engineer Rob Oliva often put their heads together to find out-of-the-box solutions and ways to solve tough issues. The Plan: After the excavation and preparation are complete, the plan for the Dog Park is to install a stone trench and perforated pipe from the play area entrance the entire length of the park and tie it into a catch basin on the other side of the park.