Candidates are invited to submit Press Releases to News@GardnerMagazine.com.
Voters Take Note:
To vote in the primary by mail, you must apply for a mail in ballot by October 2, 2023 at or before 5 p.m.
To vote in the election by mail, you must apply for a mail in ballot by October 31, 2023 at or before 5 p.m.
To request a Vote by Mail Application, CLICK HERE.
Less than a Month Before Preliminary and Primary Election in Gardner MA
The list of certified candidates has been provided by the Gardner City Clerk’s office. The Mayor has asked the City Council to approve all Gardner Police Officers as able to serve during the election with actual staffing decisions to be made by Chief Eric McAvene. A slate of election official appointments has also been submitted for approval. This is the official slate of candidates from the City Clerk’s office, CLICK HERE
For Mayor: On October 10, 2023, Gardner voters will take to the polls. There are 3 candidates for Mayor including Kimberly Blake, Martin Gray, and current Mayor Michael Nicholson. This will be narrowed down to 2 candidates for the November election.
Councilor at Large: There are 9 candidates for Councilor at Large including Calvin Brooks, Craig Cormier, Ronald Cormier, Brad Heglin, James Hunt, Carolyn Kamuda, Elizabeth Kazinskas, Judy Mack, and George Tyros. These candidates will not be on the preliminary ballot (that would take 12 total). Voters will choose 6 in the November election.
Wards: Ward One is contested between David Munoz and James Wallgreen. Ward Two has Dana Heath running unopposed. Ward Three is contested between Jeffrey Palmieri and the current Councilor Paul Tassone. Ward Four has Karen Hardern running unopposed. Ward Five has Aleksander Dernalowicz running unopposed. Voters will choose in the November election.
School Committee: Because there are 7 candidates for School Committee, that will be narrowed down in the Preliminary election. Running are Margaret Bissonnette, Ayesha Coaxum, Rachael Cormier, Brandon Hughey, John Lafreniere, Stephen Sandoval, and Robert Swartz. Those chosen will move on to the November election.