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Ordinance Regarding Scooters – Shared Dockless Mobility Devices
Another publication has erroneously stated that “Gardner is the third city in Massachusetts that Bird will be partnering with…” That statement is incorrect. Gardner is not partnering with Bird in the venture. Bird is a private business. Gardner legally can only regulate the business and collect licensing revenue, similar to how the system works with Cannabis establishments. In fact, the City Ordinance is quite specific as to various requirements to protect the public safety. Had Gardner not enacted an ordinance, it would have had to allow the scooters without any restrictions. Gardner had been notified last Spring that Bird was coming to Gardner which was why Mayor Nicholson acted in an effort to proactively protect the public interest and proposed the ordinance to the City Council which it subsequently adopted. Read the ordinance right here.
Readers Note: Bird used the “partner” language in its Press Release indicating that it and the City had “teamed up.” That is of course not an accurate characterization of the relationship between the BIRD company and the City of Gardner.