The Biden Administration has a page on the White House website which explains the infrastructure initiatives, CLICK HERE.
We recently interviewed the Mayor about Projects and Progress. CLICK HERE.
For a list of Gardner’s Accomplishments getting noticed nationally, visit Accomplished.us
Gardner MA Mayor Michael Nicholson Represents the Chair City in Washington, D.C.
Mayor Nicholson has often stated the he believes it is the City’s best interest to show up at as many of these events as possible so that Federal officials can put a face to a grant application. Gardner has benefitted from a slew of Federal funding recently from the American Rescue Act to other funding helping with projects throughout the Chair City. Recent Projects and Progress interview, click here.
Mayor Nicholson posted, “Today I had the distinct opportunity to participate in a meeting at the White House with Senior Advisors to President Biden, members of the President’s Cabinet team, and twenty-nine other local and state officials to discuss the ways in which the Biden-Harris Administration’s infrastructure programs have impacted local communities. As a Mayor who supports local infrastructure, I am appreciative of the time to meet with our federal partners to discuss what works, what could be improved upon, and the potential projects that would be beneficial to local communities like Gardner. Partnerships are crucial to delivering government services and today marked a poignant day for progress.
“I’m very proud of the investments we’ve made in our infrastructure and community and economic development goals in Gardner during my time as Mayor, and it was great to be able to share those stories on a national level. I look forward to our continued success with these projects in the future.”
Mayor Nicholson concluded, “Thank you to the President’s Office for this invitation to participate in the “Communities in Action” program.”