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Guess who’s in the GardnerVerse? Visit the fun in the GardnerVerse, click here. Hint: All School Committee members are pictured too.
The Gardner MA School Committee met on various items Monday November 14, 2022
The School Committee took up a number of items including Various School Policies and had a number of presentations including GHS Youth Community Survey Data, School Improvement, District MCAS, College and Career Readiness, Curriculum, ELL, Grants Administrator, Special Education, SEPAC, and MSBA New Building Project Update. Complete Agenda, CLICK HERE.
Complete School Committee Packet for 11-14-22 Meeting -103 pages
Complete MCAS results for Gardner MA School District. Gardner made gains while other districts in the state went in the other direction.

The School Committee will take up the matter of whether to approve a change in the contractual Substantial Completion Date of the new Gardner Elementary School to 9/12/22 from 7/15/22.
Final Comments of the School Committee on November 14, 2022

Shannon Ward-Leighton complimented the various efforts in the School District. There’s a reason why we’re getting noticed by the State. It’s because we have a great mindset as a community. We have great leaders, and we have great parents, and families. …We can do nothing but succeed…Just very inspired with everything I saw tonight.” |
Anne Hurst “I am extremely proud of this School District, and our city, and the community. And I’m just proud to be a part of it. |
Jennifer Pelavin, “There’s always activity happening at all the schools. There’s a lot of involvement. ….Everything is just really growing right now. The Athletics in every area is doing so well right now and it’s great to see.” |
Robert Schwartz “ I was at MASC conference….best conference in the 20 years I’ve been going.” |
John LaFreniere “I just wanted to thank the presenters. A lot of work goes into that…job well done.” |
Mayor Michael Nicholson: “want to congratulate our Sports Teams”. —- Tennis court refurbished project is complete. —- Rockwell Committee is opening applications by the end of this week. —-Gardner High School Band and Gardner Middle School Chorus will both be performing at the Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony Sunday November 27, 2022. —– Saturday, September 19, 2023 will be the City of Gardner Centennial Parade. Umass Amherst and Umass Lowell will be sending their marching bands. —- State of the City address will be at a joint conference of the City Council and School Committee on January 10, 2023. |
Rachel Cormier was absent from the meeting. |
Earlier Meeting of GES Finance Committee
At a meeting of the GES Finance Committee on 11-2-22, it was suggested by Dr. Steven Hemman to bring up the matter of whether to approve a change in the contractual Substantial Completion Date of the new Gardner Elementary School before the full School Committee. Change would prevent City of Gardner from getting liquidated damages and prevent the contractor for asking for additional funds for the added time required for completion. Was recommended to Full Committee. Listen to the full GES Finance Meeting on any device, CLICK PLAY.