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Paving, Property, and Pedaling Posited in Gardner MA Mayor Nicholson’s Update

Paving: Downtown areas will start to be paved during third week of May. State of MA will start paving near William’s Restaurant on May 1st. Also, State DOT investing over 9 million dollars from June 2022 to June 2023 in paving project going from Pearson Boulevard, Gardner through last Leominster exit. This will necessitate detours through City of Gardner as work progresses.
Property: The Mayor stated Ryan Corcoran is under agreement to purchase Gauthier building that housed the old Cruiser’s Malt Shoppe ( now Gardner Thrift Shop) all the way down to Hometown Barbers. Tony Molina has fully purchased the old Wheelen Supply Buildings and the Old Gardner News Building. The Mayor stated these purchasers and Castor Realty who bought the Garbose Building and Flat Iron Building are looking for citizen ideas.
Pedaling: City is planning to partner with a company known as Bird Scooters, they also do bicycles as well, to become one of the three Massachusetts pilot programs to have these automated scooters in the City. They are like the old Razor scooters some of us may have had as kids, however they have a motor on them and can go up to 15 miles per hour. Gardner will be need to develop a city specific ordinance for those vehicles in order for the plan to officially move forward.