At the end of the meeting, 2 citizens spoke to the Board of the Health regarding the Sludge Landfill. At the beginning of the segment, Chair Avallone was seen looking at her phone rather than at the residents. Alan Rousseau and Paul DeMeo made extensive comments.
The Gardner Board of Health met on March 24, 2025
The Board of Health spent about 19 minutes at the beginning of the meeting discussing meeting minutes including updates, corrections, and errors. Member Geoffrey Tobia expressed concern at various inaccuracies.
Director Micah Blondeau spoke about new model regulations from the state regarding Private Wells. Blondeau also updated the Board regarding groundwater monitoring, erosion control, and leachate systems. The public bidding for the leachate system will be at a future date. Blondeau stated that $143,000 was encumbered before, but some funds had been expended for preparation. Additional funds would be needed to proceed. Listen to the entire meeting on any device. CLICK PLAY
During public comments at the end, Director Micah Blondeau, Chair Susan Avallon, member Michelle Parker and DeMeo got in to a back and forth discussion.
Paul DeMeo also requested that the Board of Health adhere to the spirit of the Open Meeting Law by including various documents brought up during the meeting with the meeting agenda.
Publisher’s Note: The practice of including documents and draft minutes is followed by the Gardner City Council and the Gardner School Committee and has been very helpful to our readers with some City Council packets being up to 500 pages long.