Gardner Mayor Nicholson with a Monthly Address and Update
Gardner Mayor Nicholson released an address and update to the City on Friday, February 28, 2025. The address recaps the past month, covers some current and future items, and features a special guest at the end. Listen to the Monthly Address on any device, CLICK PLAY.
The Mayor also stated he will be delving deeper in to what is going on behind the scenes at Gardner City Hall. This month: The Mayor featured a special guest at the end of the update: Jason Stevens, the new Director Community Development and Planning
Covered in Monthly Address and Update:
Challenges of the snowstorms and clearing the snow. The Mayor explained the public sand pile is for Gardner residents only and not for contractors. Clear out fire hydrants. —- Daylight Savings Time is March 9th — Gardner Farmers Market is May 17th —- Gardner CAC at Waterford Community Center —- Dog License Renewals Due — Excise Taxes due March 5th – Health and Wellness Fair – Light the Town Purple and the Relay for Life — Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month – New Businesses —Tata’s Fonda — Artisans and More Art Coop — MWCC Theater Performances — Events at Levi Heywood Memorial Library — Gardner Museum Exhibits —
The Mayor thanked Tony Molina re apartments at former Gardner News Building — Local Housing and cutting back on red tape — Diamond Hearts Art Studio — 94 Pleasant Street update on sale and explanation of RFP Process — Gardner and Recognition for Spending 100% of Opioid Settlement Funding — Nicholson elected President of Massachusetts 48 member Mayor’s Association in January —$8 million surplus re Gardner Elementary School and a recap of projects funds will be used for — breakdown of Williams Rockwell grants and history of the painting —
Featured Guess Jason Stevens went over various projects and says he has an open door policy.