Crooked Treasurer Escapes Jail Time for Stealing from Town of Winchendon
The Town of Winchendon published this Press Release: “Update on Treasurer theft of Town funds. In September of 2024, the Town Treasurer was investigated for stealing from the Town. He was terminated and charged with Larceny over $1,200 and Larceny from Building. Because it was an ongoing case, we could not discuss the amount that was stolen. The case was resolved yesterday in Winchendon District Court. The former Treasurer pled to Admission of Sufficient Facts, received probation for one year, and is ordered to repay the entire amount stolen which was $5,896.83, which he will have to pay back $500 per month. Thank you to the Town Employees who were involved in the investigation and thank you to the Court for bringing this matter to a close and getting the Town its money back.”