Gardner’s Assessor Christine Kumar is part of the great Finance Team in the City of Gardner. Mayor Michael Nicholson and various City Councilors frequently compliment the team on its transparency, efficiency, and competence. Gardner does very well on objective State and Federal audits.
Gardner has an online checkbook which anyone can view at anytime, CLICK HERE. Search for anything. The books are open to you.
Assessor Christine Kumar at Work in the Chair City
Gardner’s Assessor Christine Kumar allowed us to take a good picture as we use a screenshot from the Board of Assessors meetings. Christine Kumar stated, “We have a great Finance Team here.” Kumar prides herself on being very understanding. The meetings may be short but the tasks are important to the City. Here’s a link to the Assessor’s page.
Just what does an assessor do? Classify and determine “full and fair cash value” of all real and personal property according to Massachusetts General Law (Chapter 59), Review and act upon all real and personal property abatement applications, Process all motor vehicle abatement requests, Review and process all exemption applications for qualifying elderly, widowed, blind, or disabled veteran citizens, Review all applications for accuracy regarding tax incentives for land used for recreational, forestry, or agricultural purposes, Implement a revaluation of the Town’s real and personal property every 5 years. Gardner Magazine publishes the Board of Assessors meetings which are frequently about 5 minutes long. Meetings frequently go in to Executive Session to discuss certain items and applications privately. It’s easy to look up any property record card CLICK HERE