City Clerk staff actually waited until 5:15pm on deadline day to give Bruce Chester every possible opportunity.
City Clerk Titi Siriphan Unjustly Attacked – Actual Email Shows Effort to Be Fair
Candidate Bruce Chester came in to the City Clerk’s office for recount forms and was given the usual District-wide forms customarily used when vote tallies are within ½ of one percent. As it turns out in this case, a different form needed to be used which was later made available to Chester. City Clerk’s office was staffed until 5:15pm on date of deadline. Documents were even left at police station with access 24 hours per day. Chester did not submit by deadline, so no recount is taking place. Cost would have been $45,000 to the City due to statutory requirements of how ballots must be handled in a recount.
So what happened? Paul DeMeo unleashed a nasty attack in an email. SEE IMAGE. Bruce Chester disavowed DeMeo in an email. SEE IMAGE. And of course, here’s the email in which it is very clear Clerk Siriphan made the correct forms easily available to Candidate Chester. SEE IMAGE.
Note: Bruce Chester is still on Social Media even today complaining about Gardner Magazine’s reporting prior to the election. We stand by our articles as they accurately reflected actual AUDIO of what Chester said and accurately showed actual State documents re various campaign issues.