Note from Publisher: With most stories we like to publish original source material whenever we can such as Press Releases, Agendas/Packets, and AUDIO. With a sensitive subject such as this, we included a considerable amount of material in an effort to demonstrate thoroughness and to provide our readers with first-hand information.
To look up the Chester campaign yourself, here is the link, CLICK HERE. It is also a valuable tool for looking up information on any candidate running for office in Massachusetts.
Additional Questions Emerge Regarding Candidate Bruce Chester
In a previous Gardner Magazine report, CLICK HERE, we profiled Bruce Chester taking the unusual step of researching and presenting his own words. Part of that report covered the scrutiny Chester has been under after needing to reimburse his Committee in staggered payments as ordered by the State Office of Campaign and Political Finance. See previous article, CLICK HERE. Since our last article, we have received information from both anonymous and known sources. This article only covers what we could substantiate.
Treasurer Signature Situation
Former Chester Campaign Treasurer Scott M. Graves sent a letter to the OCPF stating he ceased being treasurer in 2022. According to his letter, this was the 2nd time informing them of this change. CLICK FOR IMAGE. However, a report with Scott M. Graves signature was sent to the OCPF in 2023, months after it was possible if in fact the Scott M. Graves assertion is accurate. CLICK FOR IMAGE. SEE REPORT. Compare that signature with a previous report when he was treasurer, CLICK FOR IMAGE. SEE REPORT.
Various Audits and Issues
Chester’s campaign has been audited several times. According to the OCPF, Chester used campaign funds for personal use and was obligated to reimburse the campaign committee. The OCPF has on numerous occasions informed the Chester campaign of problems. AUDIT: Expenses September 2024, CLICK HERE — Letter revealing Audit opened new audit —-Letter re lack of response to request by OCPF, CLICK HERE. Chester Campaign Reimbursements, CLICK HERE. — List of new AUDIT issues, CLICK HERE
Campaign Contributions and Expenditures
Bruce Chester contributions COMPLETE REPORT and Bruce Chester expenditures COMPLETE REPORT. Jonathan Zlotnik contributions COMPLETE REPORT and Jonathan Zlotnik expenditures COMPLETE REPORT.
Claims of Various Chester Occupations
Bruce Chester claims to be any of a number of occupations according to a pdf of his his website, CLICK HERE. His website claims “Actor, Author, Comedian, Host, Motivational Speaker, Educator, Veteran, Entrepreneur and all around good mensch” One of his claims is that he has been performing standup comedy in the New England area for almost 20 years. This was news to us as it did not show up in any of our earlier research. A YouTube search revealed a short appearance on a Leominster Cable Access Show from 11 years ago in which he was introduced as a comedian but did not perform comedy. Here’s a link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJrwWZL70eE
False and Inaccurate Posts re Jonathan Zlotnik
Zlotnik has been the subject of false and/or inaccurate attacks on a Rogue Gardner Facebook Group suggesting in some posts that he is in favor of taxes. In just one counter example, Jonathan Zlotnik is known to be spearheading an effort to eliminate the inventory tax for businesses in an effort to lower taxes. Under current law, it is hard for a company to take advantage of a lower price on a quantity of raw product needed in manufacturing because the excess inventory would be subject to tax. The Zlotnik bill would help in 2 ways. 1. Eliminate a tax Zlotnik feels is unfair. 2. Reduce the manufacturing cost for businessses. We refer you to our recent interview for more information on Zlotnik’s actual record, CLICK HERE.