How diligently are they working to get grants for the City? The Mayor stated, “There have been $158 million worth of applications currently pending for the city right now. We’re not going to get half of those, but at least we tried. Maybe we get half, maybe we get three-quarters, maybe we get one of those things. But in the end, we get something more than what we have right now.” Councilor Dernalowicz remarked, “We would have possibly applied for a fraction of that amount and got half of that. So it’s a big difference to get all those applications out there and having someone, whatever group it may be, lobbying for it as well. It’s fantastic.”
Serious Discussion and Light Moments at Finance Committee October Meeting
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Serious items such as debt service and new growth were discussed by the Mayor and members. Mayor Nicholson spoke of the revenue from Meals Tax, indicating that during the year, “We’re projected to get around $250,000 meal tax in based on receipts the commonwealth has received from… their statewide sales tax that they do on meals.” However, for planning purposes, the Mayor is only counting on $125,000 of that just to be safe. Total free cash amount is $2.5 million which is right in line with the percentage recommended by the State of MA. Finances regarding the Waterford Community Center were also discussed.
Light moments arrived when the return on the 3rd party grant writers was discussed. It was smiles all around when the Mayor stated, “So for a $75,000 investment between what was first appropriated for CMRTC and what was first appropriated for the Keller Partners contract, to have, you know, spend $75,000, get $20 million back is quite the return on that investment. So I’d like to keep that going..”
These and other matters will be discussed at the City Council meeting on October 21, 2024. Complete 414 page Agenda and Packet, CLICK HERE.
“IT’S FANTASTIC” – Councilor Dernalowicz