UPDATE: Reference Materials re Maki Park: City of Gardner Webpage —- Concept Drawings – Addendum to Bidding Documents

As is evident from the above rendering, the finished product differs significantly from the original design submission. The investigation will determine what happened.

Investigation Launched into Maki Park at Request of Councilor George Tyros
In a 5 minute Special Gardner City Council meeting on September 19, 2024, Councilors in attendance unanimously approved the request of George Tyros. There will be an investigation. Listen on any device. CLICK PLAY.
Councilor Tyros stated, “ I want to start by explaining why I think this matter deserves some urgency, and I want to thank Councilor Dernalowicz for co-sponsoring this special meeting. I also want to thank David Hackett and Anne Hurst, the chair and vice chair of the Disability Commission, for their attendance this evening. Is this an unsalvageable problem? Of course not. But state and city resources were spent, and it’s now apparent that the final product is not what was originally presented to the council. We were also not talking about aesthetic choices or minor tweaks. We’re talking about differences that go against the core basis this project was submitted and the information we used to make our decision to support it. As a council, we have a responsibility to make sure that public funds are well spent, and when there are problems, we shouldn’t be afraid to look at them. Our job is not to shield the administration, a department, or a department head, nor is it our job to smear anyone or anything. Our job is to get the facts, ascertain the truth, and if there is a problem, make sure we have appropriate policies and that those policies are being followed. The situation is that to do our job, we need to look at documents, we need to ask questions of people’s memories of events that happened many months ago. I expect this will take a fair amount of time. Simply put, we approved the project with certain parameters. We approved the expenditure of public funds. We and the public are entitled to an explanation when something goes wrong. Let me be clear, this investigation is not to determine who is at fault, it is to determine where the fault or faults existed in the process this project followed and what can be done to fix them moving forward. I hope this motion is adopted, and if it is, I’ll be requesting to be the counselor assigned. “
The 3 tier Maki Park was proposed as a solution to an open field which was not ADA compliant due to the 15 degree elevation pitch. Ironically, the park as now constructed is not ADA compliant which is the reason for the investigation.